
Eliminate Private Cars: New Democracy & Sustainable Economic Systems

Anonyme, Jueves, Febrero 9, 2006 - 21:26

Jase Martinique

Bolivia has about 25 cars per 1000 people. Many of them are older models and they are owned almost exclusively by the 10 percent of the population that is wealthy. The USA has 900 cars per 1000 – and that is not counting all of the trucks and government vehicles. If China were to reach half the level of car ownership in the USA, China would need to build or buy more than 600 million cars – more than twice the number in the USA today! But, before the Chinese or the Indians could enjoy driving them very far, the world’s climate would change terribly… and irreversibly!

Global Warming Info:

Submitted by Jase Martinique;

Dear editors, there is a global energy war sweeping the planet at the same time that private vehicle ownership is booming. Something wrong with this picture – read on. President Bush says we are addicted to oil, but it is addiction to energy and waste that the USA is so grotesquely guilty of.

A longer version with additional footnotes is available.

Link to bottom of Cars article (short version- scroll up)

Eliminate Private Cars: New Democracy & Sustainable Economic Systems;

By Jase Martinique for Revolutionary Green;

(Word Count 2582 without notes; Main text 1999)

“In 2000, Americans drove 128 million cars, traveling 2.3 trillion miles. They consumed 8.2 million barrels of fuel per day and emitted 302 million tons of carbon…UK figures: 23 million cars travelled 235 billion miles, making just over 10,000 miles per car…The average car in the US travels 10 percent more each year than a car in the UK, 50 percent more than one in Germany, and almost 200 percent more than a car in Japan… the carbon emissions of U.S. automobiles are roughly equivalent to those of the entire Japanese economy - the fourth largest carbon emitter

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articles on new economics and transport issues
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