
Call for Panelists

Anonyme, Domingo, Enero 22, 2006 - 20:02


Call for Panelists
Round-Table Session on Technology, Media and Activism, 2006 Summer Program
Friday, June 16th

Appel aux panelistes
Session table ronde sur la technologie, les médias et l’activisme, Programme d’été 2006
Vendredi le 16 juin

As part of the annual Summer Program (June 11th to 16th, 2006) of the Institute in Management and Community Development , we are organizing a full-day Round-Table session to explore and reflect on Media Technology and Activist practice,

This one-day session will be an opportunity for diverse members of the tech-media activist community to meet face to face, share stories, strategies, and to build our capacity as a movement collectively and collaboratively.

To launch the discussion on Friday we are looking for community members with open -ended and debate worthy questions.

If you have a burning issue or debate topic, or would like to get involved in planning and organizing this session, please send an email to and before Friday, January 27th , 2006. Please include a summary of your question and tell us a bit about yourself.

Miriam Verburg, Flink Design
Elizabeth Hunt, Institute in Management and Community Development


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