
Canadian Freegans Needed for Media Interviews

Anonyme, Lunes, Enero 9, 2006 - 20:20

Canadian media outlets are looking for freegans to interview for stories in Toronto, Vancouver, and throughout Canada., a group and website promoting freeganism, has gotten a ton of media requests lately from journalists all over the who want to find local freegans to interview. In Canada, we've received inquiries from CBC Radio (which is willing to speak to people ANYWHERE in Canada), the Toronto Star, and from a student journalist in Vancouver.

Freeganism is a lifestyle based around adapting practical strategies to minimize personal consumer impact, cut financial support for the capitalist system that is destroying the earth and human and animal lives, and create new methods for people to survive and thrive based on sharing, mutual aid, social responsibility, and ecological concern. Freegan practices include dumpster diving for food, clothing, funiture, etc., squatting buildings, guerilla gardening, train hopping, and more. If you aren't familiar with freeganism, visit Or for a quick definition of freeganism, visit

Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested. If you'd like to participate in a media story in any of the towns listed below, call Adam at (201) 928-2831 or email

Additionally, here are US cities we are currently looking for interviewees in or near. If you know anyone who might be interested in these areas, please send them our way. Thanks!

Albany, NY
Bakersfield, CA1.5 hours NE of LA
Bay Area, CA
Boston, MA
Canada (anwhere in the country)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Central FL
Central NY
Chicago, IL
Cincinatti, OH
Gainseville, FL
Ithaca, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Minneapolis, MN
New York, NY
Northern VA
Phoenix, AZ
Rochester, NY
Syracuse, NY
Tampa, FL
Toronto, CA
Vancouver, CA
Washington, DC
Wilmington NC

Adam Weissman
Freegan web site

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