
There Is No Chance of Recovery

Anonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 29, 2005 - 00:07


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

There Is No Chance of Recovery

Author: Stephen

Word is our self appointed dictator is
concerned that his popularity is plummeting
.  He hopes to save his
image by softening his rhetoric while doing nothing to change his
policies.  For a man who directs his official photographer to
frame his head against anything that glows
, creating the omnipresent
impression that our mass killer president is Jesus, the fall from an illusionary
grace must be quite a blow.  Nevertheless, there is one thing our
pretender-in-chief cannot not fathom and that is that you cannot un-rape a
nation, un-murder a people, and un-betray your Constitution.  Bush does not
need to improve his image, he needs to resign and if he does not resign Congress
needs to impeach, convict and oust him.  And if Congress does not have the
spine to do what they should, We The People should overthrow the whole lot of
them.  Perhaps Saudi Arabia will offer him asylum?

When a political system has been perverted beyond all recognition, its
constituents must ask themselves whether it is possible to restore it

As in any abusive relationship, when a certain boundary of civilized behavior is
crossed there is no hope of restoring the lost respect that once created
harmony.  The American people have been raped by their leaders. 
Nothing will purify the relationship between the American people and their
government.  Our
, their spy
, and their
have tasted human flesh and none of us will again feel comfortable
when their stomachs growl.  We must rid ourselves of them once and for all
and start anew.

So, Mr. Dictator, I suggest you abandon any attempt to gain the recovery of
your lost image.  There is no hope for you and your every move makes you
just that much more a clown.  You are our Humpty
.  You can not be put back together again and no one really cares
enough about you personally to give it a try anyways.  Hitler
knew this, why don't you?

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