
Haiti Action Activist Yves Engler Jailed for at Least 4 Days for Heckling PM

Shez, Sábado, Diciembre 3, 2005 - 07:20

Canada Haiti Action Network (CHAN)

Haiti Action Activist Yves Engler Jailed for at Least 4 Days for Heckling PM

Yves will be appearing before a judge on Monday morning at 9:00am at the Palais de Justice in room 507 (please confirm the room number upon arrival). Let’s get as many people there as possible to show our support!!

Please forward far and wide.


For Immediate Release

Dec. 2, 2005

Activist jailed at least four days for heckling PM

Haiti Action Montreal condemns "criminalizing dissent" during election

Yves Engler, a member of Haiti Action Montreal, is being kept in jail
over the weekend after he disrupted a speech by the Prime Minister Thursday
morning shouting "Paul Martin lies, Haitians die."

Crown prosecutors refused to grant his release when Engler appeared in
court Friday, thirty hours after being detained. He will be in court
again Monday.

"Keeping someone in jail for at least four days because he heckled a
politician during an election campaign is completely outrageous," said
Nikolas Barry-Shaw, spokesperson for Haiti Action Montreal. "Has
shouting at a politician become a crime in Canada?"

Noting that other people heckled Martin at the same time as Engler and
that the PM has faced hecklers at many events, Barry-Shaw speculated
the Liberal government is particularly sensitive about criticism of its
policies in Haiti.

"Yves Engler has been extremely active in trying to make the Liberals
accountable for their role in the overthrow of Haiti's elected
government and the resulting human rights disaster," said Barry-Shaw. "He's
obviously made some important people very angry."

Engler, who also threw pieces of a human rights report about Haiti into
the air to symbolize the Liberal government's response to criticism
from numerous respected organizations, said he was surprised by amount of
time he was spending in jail.

"It's a strange world when Conrad Black is accused of stealing $80
million but has spent no time behind bars, while I heckled the Prime Minister
andget locked up for at least four days."


For background information please see Http://

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Text wasnt complete...
Sáb, 2005-12-03 20:41


Bianca Mugyenyi or Nikolas Barry-Shaw (514) 969-2377

For background information, visit:


Martin Supporting Murderous Regime; Activist Explains Confetti

This morning, Haiti Action Montreal member Yves Engler disrupted Paul Martin's speech in Montréal. Engler's short attempt to draw attention to human rights violations in Haiti was itself cut short when he was removed by two RCMP officers.

Before he was dragged away, Engler yelled "Martin lies, Haitians die" and tossed confetti printed with excerpts of reports from the international press and human rights groups.

"Paul Martin's Liberals are complicit in the overthrow of democracy in Haiti, and are training a brutal police force that is killing peaceful protesters," said Engler, who is currently being detained by police.

Representatives of Haiti Action Montreal have presented members of the Liberal government with human rights abuses and concerns about Canada's support for the government that is carrying them out.

"They have dismissed the information we have given them as propaganda," said Engler.


Bianca Mugyenyi, (514) 969-2377

For background information, visit:


** Sources:

- Associated Press, April 27 2005: "Police fired on protesters demanding
the release of detainees loyal to Haiti's ousted president Wednesday,
killing at least five demonstrators, U.N. officials and witnesses said."

- Associated Press, March 24 2005: "Police opened fire Thursday during a
street march in Haiti's capital to demand the return of ousted resident
Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Witnesses said at least one person was killed."

- Miami Herald, March 1 2005: "Haitian police opened fire on peaceful
protesters Monday, killing two, wounding others and scattering an
estimated 2,000 people marching through the capital to mark the first
anniversary of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's ouster."


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ratchet buckle
Mié, 2005-12-14 07:20

thank you for your entry.i get it.
it's very great
ratchet buckle

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