Bush Torture Charges Back in CourtAnonyme, Miércoles, Noviembre 23, 2005 - 17:43
Lawyers Against the War
Please distribute this far and wide. We need to inspire others to resist the Busheviks. We need to encourage MSM to cover this form of non-violent resistance. We need a return to government by law rather than by men. Bush Torture Charges Back in Court Please distribute this far and wide. We need to inspire others to resist the Busheviks. We need to encourage MSM to cover this form of non-violent resistance. We need a return to government by law rather than by men. Have a look at what victims are going through: Torture is killing a person without them dying Torture doesn't stop terror -- torture is terror Others are working actively to end the killing of the human spirit. Join us. Press Release The hearing will be held in a Vancouver courtroom at 10:00 a.m. at 800 Smithe Street before Justice Deborah Satanove of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Lawyers Against the War laid the charges last year when Bush visited Canada. They concern the notorious cases of torture carried out by U.S. forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, first exposed in a series of gruesome private photos that scandalized the world in early 2004. The charges were rejected when government lawyers asserted Bush's immunity as a head of state. Lawyers Against the War appealed that decision. On Friday the court will hear argument on some new preliminary objections raised by government lawyers in an effort to head off a hearing on the merits. The objections are of an extremely technical nature, including whether the British Columbia courts or the Ontario courts had jurisdiction over the charges, whether the time limit for the prosecution had started running and continued to run after the charges were rejected, and whether there had been a formal request for a summons to issue against the President. "These arguments are an insult to victims of torture," said LAW's co-Chair and lead lawyer Gail Davidson. "The government seems to be trying to bend the law to protect the perpetrators of torture instead of enforcing it to protect the victims. First they sought a gag order to keep the public from knowing about the case, and now they are trying to avoid any hearing on the real issue in this case, which is whether this President can authorize torture with impunity." Des accusations de torture portées contre Bush seront examinées en cour ------------------------------------------------------------ Editorial notes: MARC PARENT CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent7777 MARC PARENT CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS http://www.livejournal.com/users/mparent7777 Crossposted at: |
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