CKUT Radio: Jordan - Amman Bombings & the Occupation of Iraq....Anonyme, Martes, Noviembre 15, 2005 - 16:39
Stefan Christoff
Listen to an interview with Oula Farawati, correspondent for Free Speech Radio News in Amman Jordan. This interview addresses the Wednesday, November 9th bombings in the Jordanian capital in the context of the ongoing U.S. lead occupation of Iraq. Upwards of 60 people, mainly Jordanians were killed in the attacks, while over 120 people have already been arrested in connection with the bombings. Jordanian authorities have paraded internationally a captured female bomber, Sajida Mubarak al-Rishawi, who comes from the Iraqi city of Ramadi, the sister of a slain lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi of al-Qaida in Iraq. Al-Qaida in Iraq has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks, which have resulted in major demonstrations in Amman protesting the recent attacks, the ongoing occupation of Iraq and it's role in the growing political instability throughout the region. ----> To listen / download the interview with Oula Farawati visit: http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/7680.php ----> For more news & information from Jordan visit the Jordan Times online at: http://www.jordantimes.com ----> For more news & information on the ongoing occupation in Iraq visit: http://www.electroniciraq.net [This interview was produced by independent journalist and media activist Stefan Christoff, a member of CKUT's Community News Collective in Montreal. For more information or to get involved with CKUT Radio visit: http://www.ckut.ca]
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