DECLARATION OF THE 1965 COMMEMORATION COMMITTEEAnonyme, Jueves, Noviembre 10, 2005 - 17:47 (Communiqués | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Elections & partis | Guerre / War | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Resistance & Activism) We, the 1965 Commemoration Committee have so constituted ourselves for the purpose of commemorating the massacres that occurred in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966 and that paved the way for a pro-US military fascist dictatorship of General Suharto. The events of 1965 and onwards are related to the colonial history of Indonesia. In the roundtable conference of 1949 Indonesia did not attain full independence which led to neo-colonialism. DECLARATION OF THE 1965 COMMEMORATION COMMITTEE We, the 1965 Commemoration Committee have so constituted ourselves for the purpose of commemorating the massacres that occurred in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966 and that paved the way for a pro-US military fascist dictatorship of General Suharto. The events of 1965 and onwards are related to the colonial history of Indonesia. In the roundtable conference of 1949 Indonesia did not attain full independence which led to neo-colonialism. We consider this commemoration of great importance. We wish to learn from the lessons of history. We wish to arouse and mobilize international solidarity and support for the Indonesian people in their continuing struggle for national liberation and democracy and for the rendering of justice to the parties, organizations and individuals whose human rights were violated by the pro-imperialist military fascists. We urge the full documentation, recognition and rehabilitation of the victims and honor those who were unjustly murdered, imprisoned and deprived of their rights. We also wish to reaffirm the significant role that the Indonesian people under the leadership of President Sukarno and the broad united front of the Indonesian people, including nationalists, religious believers, socialists and communists, played in Indonesia and in the inter-continental struggle of oppressed peoples and nations for national independence against colonialism, imperialism and neocolonialism. Indonesia played a key role in organizing the Bandung Conference in 1955 that gave birth to the Non-aligned Movement which embodied the aspirations of newly independent nations to chart their own course free from neocolonial and imperialist domination. This earned for Sukarno, the progressive forces and the Indonesian people the hatred of the imperialist countries headed by the US. The imperialists did all they could to assassinate Sukarno or overthrow his government by coup d’ etat and by supporting separatism in Sumatra and Sulawesi. Together with the worst of the local reactionaries, they could not tolerate the patriotic and democratic advances made by the Indonesian people and the Communist Party of Indonesia and other progressive forces. A provocation instigated by the CIA and MI6, in collaboration with other intelligence services, carried out on 30th September was used as the pretext by Gen. Suharto to seize power with the complete support of the imperialists headed by the US. Through “death lists |
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