
Malign Neglect or Imperialism?

Anonyme, Jueves, Noviembre 3, 2005 - 03:58

Nikolas Barry-Shaw

What is happening right now in Haiti is probably Canada’s worst foreign policy crime in the last 50 years. The Canadian government helped plan and carry out a coup d'etat against Haiti’s elected government, followed by an all-out war targeting Aristide’s Lavalas movement and its supporters waged by the coup-installed government and its death squad allies with the full and enthusiastic backing of Paul Martin’s Liberal government. Why are so many self-denoted “left

What is happening right now in Haiti is probably Canada’s worst foreign policy crime in the last 50 years. The Canadian government helped plan and carry out the destabilization of Haiti’s elected government, culminating in the February 2004 coup d’état/kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide by U.S. Marines and Canada’s Joint Task Force 2. Since then, the coup-installed government and its death squad allies have waged an all-out war against Aristide’s Lavalas movement and its supporters with the full and enthusiastic backing of Paul Martin’s Liberal government.

Canadian police lead the UN police mission (UNPOL) responsible for training, vetting and overseeing the new Haitian National Police (HNP). Under their watch, hundreds of former Haitian Army (FAd’H) officers, death squad members and individuals who “have been involved in drug rackets, kidnappings, extra judicial killings or other illegal activities,

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