Pentagon blocks InternetAnonyme, Miércoles, Octubre 19, 2005 - 12:57
Henk Ruyssenaars
US Military Insider Newsletter: Pentagon blocks Internet - Hotmail account not working? - Or Yahoo? It's not a glitch with the computer connection: it's the Pentagon! From: Military.com US - MILITARY.COM - On Tuesday, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps blocked all access to commercial e-mail services, such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, America Online and Google, from overseas government computers. And not just at office workstations. The block includes access to e-mail services from computers at base libraries and liberty centers that are connected to an official government network. “This concerns us, because so many of our patrons won’t be able to access their e-mail, and many come to the library to do just that,
The policy blocks viewers from accessing commercial e-mail accounts while using a government computer.
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