
Reflections on the VI Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle and the new Latin American left

Anonyme, Domingo, Agosto 28, 2005 - 14:00

Cuban Libertarian Movement

* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (CLM; in Spanish: Movimiento Libertario Cubano - MLC) presents for collective debate its reflections on the declarations made by the EZLN (the Zapatista rebels) in July 2005 in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

On January 1st, 1994 the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico came into effect, and along with the new year, spoiling the party of the powerful, from deep within the forgotten Lacandona jungle also came on scene “the fire and the word

The Cuban Libertarian Movement' website

Version française?
Vie, 2005-09-02 18:41

Ce texte semble très intéressant. Est-ce qu'il pourrait y avoir une version française? C'est bon d'entendre la voix des Cubains progressistes qui tout en s'opposant au régime castriste combattent l'impérialisme.


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