Death of François-Xavier Verschave: Honorings of ActusAnonyme, Viernes, Julio 1, 2005 - 02:52
We, African peoples and activists of the whole world, who fight against injustices, arbitrary power, imperialism, neo-colonialism, dictatorships, have just lost a militating companion, a brother but also the best lawyer of a rare tenacity, which has never capitulated in front of pressures, and threaten dark forces which continue to schedule(program) the genocide of the African peoples. I still remember one of our conversations where he said this truth: " it is necessary to stop this invisible hand which commits with doggedness crimes against humanity in Africa ". PRESS RELEASE OF THE ACTUS CONDOLENCES OF THE ACTUS AFTER THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT FRANÇOIS-XAVIER VERSCHAVE. The Action of the Chad for the Unity and Socialism ( ACTUS) expresses its profound pain and sadness further to the death of François-Xavier Verschave, President of the Survival association, arisen this day June 29, 2005. We send to his family, to its close relations and to all the activists of Survival our condolences, and share with you these historic moments of mourning which are also ours. We, African peoples and activists of the whole world, who fight against injustices, arbitrary power, imperialism, neo-colonialism, dictatorships, have just lost a militating companion, a brother but also the best lawyer of a rare tenacity, which has never capitulated in front of pressures, and threaten dark forces which continue to schedule(program) the genocide of the African peoples. I still remember one of our conversations where he said this truth: " it is necessary to stop this invisible hand which commits with doggedness crimes against humanity in Africa ". The President François-Xavier Verschave, left us physically. However, the work, the fruits of the commitment will mark for the eternity the presence in our sides in our common fight of anti-imperialist liberation. This promise, we swear to hold he it to honor the memory of this humble and illustrious Man, who will mark unmistakably this beginning of the third millennium, and will enter the pantheon of the rare humanists and defenders of Africa. For the Action of the Chad for the Unity and Socialism |
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