
Copyright & YOU - Richard Stallman to Visit Montreal

simms, Miércoles, Junio 29, 2005 - 10:43

simms pour le CMAQ

Free software, peer-to-peer file sharing, independent media networks -- all these developments demonstrate the ease with which information can be copied and transmitted these days. Such galloping advancements in the realm of 'digital freedom' are nonetheless directly threatened by new restrictions on "intellectual property" being pushed by enormous commercial interests, as well as the general atmosphere of paranoia stirred under the banner of the so-called 'war on terror'.

It's against this backdrop that Montreal will host, this Sunday, July the 3rd, a visit from the great Richard M. Stallman. RMS -- as he is affectionately known by geeks worldwide -- is the man behind the idea of free software, the revolutionary concept of copyleft, and the GNU project (at the base of the GNU/Linux operating system). He is also a notorious and tireless promoter of digital freedom [...]

CMAQ volunteers will be on hand at UQAM this Sunday to document the proceedings -- multimedia files will be posted here as soon as they are available.

Free software, peer-to-peer file sharing, independent media networks -- all these developments stem from the ease with which information can be copied and transmitted these days. Such galloping advancements in the realm of 'digital freedom' are nonetheless directly threatened by new restrictions on "intellectual property" being pushed by enormous commercial interests, as well as the general atmosphere of paranoia stirred under the banner of the so-called 'war on terror'.

To mention only one recent example, Ottawa's new Bill C-60 [PDF format] promises to turn the diktat of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) into federal law, cheered on by the biggest media conglomerates in the country.

It's against this backdrop that Montreal will host, this Sunday at UQAM, a visit from the great Richard M. Stallman. RMS -- as he is affectionately known by geeks worldwide -- is the man behind the idea of free software, the revolutionary concept of copyleft, and the GNU project (at the base of the GNU/Linux operating system). He is also a notorious and tireless promoter of digital freedom.

Flanked by several other speakers from the field, Stallman will talk about copyright, "intellectual property", and digital freedom in an age of mounting corporate pressure on governments and populations worldwide. The event will also assemble a true "who's who" of free software in Montreal -- it's being presented by FACIL, Koumbit, and LabCMO; on-site kiosks featuring a dozen related community organizations are also in the works. The organisers also plan to stage a 'free software week' later this year.

CMAQ volunteers will be on hand Sunday to document the proceedings -- multimedia files will be posted here as soon as they are available.

Copyright and you
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Looking forward to video!
Russell McOrmond
Dom, 2005-07-10 13:38

I am looking forward to being able to point people who could not make it to the video being made by IMC.

Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant FLORA Community Consulting
1800+ Canadians oppose Bill C-60 which protects antiquated Recording, Motion Picture and "software manufacturing" industries from change... Kill Bill C-60

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