
No One Is Illegal!

simms, Miércoles, Junio 15, 2005 - 17:14

simms pour le CMAQ (d'après PML)

In a bid to denounce Canada's poor treatment of immigrants and refugees, the Solidarity Across Borders coalition is organizing a march from Montreal to Ottawa, from June 18th to the 25th. Aiming to bring the public's attention to the situation of refugees and immigrants in the country, the coalition has made the following 4 demands:

1. The regularization of all non-status persons ;
2. An end to deportations ;
3. An end to the detention of migrants, immigrants and refugees ;
4. The abolition of security certificates.

Some 200,000 people now live and work in Canada without any legal status.

On Saturday, June 18th, the march will depart from Cabot square (Atwater Metro), heading for Côte-des-Neiges. The first day of the march will come to a close with a neighbourhood street party in Kent Park (Côte-des-Neiges). The event will feature Nomadic Massive, Syncop, and Muzion. The adventure will continue in truth when the marchers hit the road the next day, heading for Ottawa.

Check out this article by Aaron Lakoff and Seth Porcello to find out more about the campaign.

You can follow the march by listening to CMAQ's audio reports, which will be made available here as the march progresses. Regular updates will be made to the photo gallery, as well.

The Solidarity Across Borders site will also be featuring news updates from the participants and the organization.

In a bid to denounce Canada's poor treatment of immigrants and refugees, the Solidarity Across Borders coalition is organizing a march from Montreal to Ottawa, from June 18th to the 25th. Aiming to bring the public's attention to the situation of refugees and immigrants in the country, the coalition has made the following 4 demands:

1. The regularization of all non-status persons ;
2. An end to deportations ;
3. An end to the detention of migrants, immigrants and refugees ;
4. The abolition of security certificates.

Some 200,000 people now live and work in Canada without any legal status.

On Saturday, June 18th, the march will depart from Cabot square (Atwater Metro), heading for Côte-des-Neiges. The first day of the march will come to a close with a neighbourhood street party in Kent Park (Côte-des-Neiges). The event will feature Nomadic Massive, Syncop, and Muzion. The adventure will continue in truth when the marchers hit the road the next day, heading for Ottawa.

Check out this article by Aaron Lakoff and Seth Porcello to find out more about the campaign.

You can follow the march by listening to CMAQ's audio reports, which will be made available here as the march progresses. Regular updates will be made to the photo gallery, as well.

The Solidarity Across Borders site will also be featuring news updates from the participants and the organization.

Several articles on the efforts lead by groups within Solidarity Without Borders in Canada can be found via CMAQ's "immigration" theme.

[loose translation by simms from PML's French original]

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