
Is our sacred medicare system threatened?

Henry Wahbe, Jueves, Junio 9, 2005 - 15:36

Henry Wahbe

The supreme court has given it's green light for more privatization in the health system, but does this mean the beginning of the end of what we've long considered one of the most sacred of our social advantages?

Now that the supreme court has given the green light for more private clinics to murge, does this mean that our public heath system which we've cheriched and depended on for a long time is threatened?...I have nothing against people wanting a faster medical treatment and hence relying on some private clinics, but our beloved medicare system is ailing and in need of an urgent intervention on behalf of polititians both in Otawa and Québec, because in my opinion it is definitley not only up to the tax payers to help save
medicare while our dear politicians fatten their pockets be it in Otawa or in Québec and this should be numer one two and three on their priority list so that we don't lose our sacred health system which we've cherish and depended on for many decades.

Henry Wahbe

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