
Spokesman for Aristide's Lavalas movement condemns violence in Haiti

Anonyme, Viernes, Junio 3, 2005 - 15:50

Haiti Information Project

A spokesman for Aristide's Lavalas movement in
Haiti's capital, Mr. Samba Boukman, condemned an attack and firebombing
against a popular market in Port au Prince this last Wednesday. At least
10 people are reported to have died in the blaze that was started after
unidentified gunman began shooting in the area.

Haiti Information Project

Spokesman for Aristide's Lavalas movement condemns violence in Haiti

June 3, 2005

Port au Prince (HIP) - A spokesman for Aristide's Lavalas movement in
Haiti's capital, Mr. Samba Boukman, condemned an attack and firebombing
against a popular market in Port au Prince this last Wednesday. At least
10 people are reported to have died in the blaze that was started after
unidentified gunman began shooting in the area.

"We condemn this attack against a marketplace of the poor and
disassociate ourselves with this violence. We call on our communities
to continue to demonstrate non-violently for the return of our
constitutional president and the release of all political prisoners in
Haiti," Mr. Boukman declared.

Haiti's recent wave of violence and insecurity began after the Haitian
police fired on peaceful marches in the capital demanding the return of
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Feb. 28 and April 27. At least 11
unarmed demonstrators were killed in the two attacks forcing U.N.
Secretary General Kofi Annan to echo recent demands of human rights
organizations for an official investigation. The U.S.-installed
government of Gerard Latortue has dismissed the allegations despite
statements made by Brazilian General Heleno Ribera and video footage
taken by a local television station confirming the unprovoked attacks.

U.S. Ambassador James. B. Foley and the Haitian business elite have
blamed recent violence and an epidemic of kidnappings in the capital on
gangs claiming allegiance to ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
The French honorary consul to the northern city of Cap Haitien,
Paul-Henri Mourral, was shot and killed on the outskirts of Port au
Prince last Tuesday in an apparent carjacking. The Haitian police have
blamed armed "bandits" associated with Aristide for the killing and
claim Haiti's violence is due to an "urban guerilla" movement
attempting to destabilize the government.

A recent report released by the International Crisis Group (ICG) based
in Brussels blamed most of Haiti?s violence on "spoilers," namely drug
traffickers, absent of any particular political affiliation. The ICG
report states, "Groups linked to criminal activities, particularly
drugtrafficking and contraband (in Haiti and abroad), are behind much
of the current wave of violence. It is plausible that they will attempt
to establish (or indeed have already established) ties to political
parties, and will offer financing or other kinds of support. While the
extreme weakness of the transitional government and state institutions
might suit them, they can be expected to follow politics closely so as
to be able to adapt to any conceivable post-election scenario and to
quickly establish a modus vivendi with the new government, as they have
done in the past."

The ICG report also criticized Haiti's current government for not doing
more to reign in the police and for stalling investigations into
alleged human rights violations committed by the force.

In yesterday's press conference, Mr. Boukman also accused Chief of
Police Leon Charles of blocking attempts to organize peaceful
demonstrations in the capital. "The Haitian constitution allows us to
give them 48 hours notice with a request to demonstrate peacefully.
They are not allowing us to deliver the requests. No one, not even Leon
Charles private secretary, will accept our requests to demonstrate
peacefully. This is a ban on legal and public demonstrations and our
rights to freedom of expression under the Haitian constitution,"
declared Mr. Boukman.

Recent violence in Haiti's capital has also decreased the chances of
holding elections scheduled to begin in October of this year. The body
overseeing the election process, the Provisional Election Council,
announced on May 30 that only 60,000 people have registered out of an
eligible 4.5 million potential voters since the process began more then
a month ago.

The current crisis in Haiti prompted an editorial in a California
newspaper, the Contra Costa Times, to conclude, "Rushing to hold
elections in the midst of anarchy is a formula for disaster. The United
States must use its leverage to force the Latortue government to
negotiate with Aristide and Lavalas. Aristide remains the country's
most influential political figure and there will be no solution to the
current crisis without his participation."

- The Haiti Information Project (HIP) is a non-profit alternative news
service providing coverage and analysis of breaking developments in

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