
Breaching the Walls of Fortress North America

Anonyme, Viernes, Junio 3, 2005 - 09:24

Report-back from an action in Montreal, Saturday 21 May 2005
"Take down the Walls of Fortress North America: A Demonstration Against Empire and Militarism"

A couple hundred people took to the streets in downtown Montreal last week to denounce the local exemplary war-profiteer, SNC Lavalin.

A couple hundred people took to the streets in downtown Montreal last week to denounce the local exemplary war-profiteer, SNC Lavalin.

After a mini-anti-imperialist concert and animated words from members of the 30 June Coalition from Toronto, the Indigenous People's Solidarity Movement, and former Black Panther Ashanti Alston, delivered in the heart of Montreal highlife-nightlife, the crowd headed quickly towards SNC's
headquarters, which significantly harbour the US consulate. The imposing police presence and signs of an imminent intervention cut short the duration of the march, and state forces once more silenced an expression of social outrage over atrocities being committed by Canada.

Last year SNC-Lavalin obtained a contract from the US army to supply bullets destined for use in the continued occupation of Iraq. This transaction is a snapshot of the nature of Canadian imperialism. SNC's military wing, which
specialises in the production of munitions and provision of logistics for Canadian military operations, provides the basic tools necessary to maintain the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and indigenous lands here at home. Its civil side (mining, privatization projects, construction)
seemlessly complements its military engagements; creating a cycle of destruction and reconstruction favourable to rapid sales of its products and the subjection of any resistance to the growth of its profits.

SNC-Lavalin well illustrates the nature of Canadian imperialism. Hypocritical, hidden, but devastatingly real.

Confronted by a protest at the Annual Shareholders Meeting in Toronto on 5 May, Jacques Lamarre, Executive Director of SNC-Lavalin, responded, "We never make any sale . . . which is not 100 per cent approved and reviewed by the Canadian government." (CP, 5 May 2005). As if permission from a state rooted in the colonial enterprise of extermination of peoples morally or politically justifies the sale of its products. The subtext is the ever increasing integration of Canadian and US policies; symbolised in this instance by the cohabitation of SNC-Lavalin and the outpost of the empire in Montreal, the American consulate.

Exposed to the nature of the war-profiteers currently working hard to build a racist and colonialist "Fortress North America", we are left with an intolerable awareness that we are living under the protection of empire - with all that implies about oppression, privilege and responsibility. Armed with this knowledge, we must open breaches of resistance to admit a world of justice and dignity.

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Police state? Canada?
Mié, 2005-06-08 15:17


This article of yours is good news, with obviously some unwelcome news involved.

I had already known about CAE, and realised that other Canadian corporations would also want to PROFIT from entirely criminal, unjustifiable, and hell-bent imperialism and its wars against Humanity; mostly, by far, against innocent and defenceless peoples. In case people do not remember, the CEO of CAE, and very obviously, was quite a flagrant cry-baby during the run-up politics for this G.W. Bush war [on] Iraq; loudly whining to the Jean Chretien government about CAE likely not receiving U.S. military defence contracts in the future, if the PM did not embark Canadian military forces rather fully in to this war; which, and obviously, from the very first that the war planning became public knowledge, was [unjustifiable] and, thus, would be entirely criminal, as well as a horrendously enormous crime.

Well, Canada has been involved in that war much more than I had earlier thought; after having initially learned that Jean Chretien [criminally] made Canada the greatest contributing government for the U.S. miltiary build-up for launching this war [on] Iraq, over the past several months I finally came to learn that Paul Martin as acting PM has had Canadian military officers, at least one anyway, helping to direct war matters in Iraq, helping the U.S. military. And I believe that the Canadian government has actually been guilty of other criminal involvement, but don't know all of the facts.

Recently, I learned that CAE got a new U.S. military defence contract worth some significant amount to the company, so Canada must be considered quite helpful by the U.S. government, G.W. Bush et al.; assuming that such reasoning is fitting, anyway.

So we have a war criminal Jean Chretien, for having certainly criminally partaken in the Bill Clinton war of gangsterish criminality on Kosovo, 1999 -- the gangsterish arm-twisting, criminal clause Bil Clinton et al. added to the Rambouilet Accord and which rendered the accord of a nature that Milosevic, as well as anyone possessing some real intelligence, would certainly reject; later on, for partaking in the unjustifiable war of criminal aggression against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, for there was no evidence to support attacking them, at best having enough evidence -- of some order -- to support diplomatically getting them to hand over Usama Bin Ladin; and, then, for the extremely and entirely criminal contribution to the U.S. military build-up for launching a war which was already obvious to be certainly unjustifiable; leaving that even the planning for that war, let alone the build-up and the subsequent launch, which are ever more criminal, well, leaving that the planning alone was a very criminal act.

And now we additionally have the MI6 memo that was leaked recently in Britain and made public knowledge, the leak about how G.W. Bush et al., which his supporting allies' help, really did based this war on Iraq rather entirely on LIES. That was already obvious, but now we have this [concrete] PROOF.

Now, we have a rather extremely criminal war PM, Paul Martin, who's extremely criminal for continuing the Canadian contribution to this hell-bent-imperialistic war of entirely unjustifiable and criminal aggression on Iraq; as well as for his entirely criminal contribution to the also hell-bent coup d'etat in Haiti, against a [democratically] elected government that at most only needed humane help, and against many millions of innocent and very defenceless people; and, for extra icing, for his income tax evasion, striking again against both national and international laws. He may not be an active criminal income tax evader any longer, ever since he -- at least in or for appearance -- handed the company ownership title over to his sons; however they have maintained ownership of that oceanic shipping company in the family, rendering the whole family criminals; well, at least the dad and his two sons who now have title to the corporation in their possession.

For yet a little more extra icing, Paul Martin, rather major income tax evader, [pretends] that he can honourably serve Canada; getting a considerably wealthy income as PM, will have luxurious benefits when he retires, etc., all while refusing to pay his corporate share of income taxes, to the nation that pays him very well as a politician, worse, as a PM.

And this surely does not reflect all of the crimes those people are [guilty] for/of.

What a "lovely" picture reality paints for us all to "enjoy".

ICC? Rome Statue? RATIFIED by Canada!!!

What's the ICC doing? The judges and prosecutors of the ICC certainly know, and very well, clearly, that Jean Chretien and Paul Martin are criminals, as per above, but they remain "perfectly", totally silent in this respect. Meanwhile, the Milosevic trial has been rather nothing other than a very sick, maccabre joke. Either the ICC has nothing on him, or rather very little; particularly when compared to the crimes of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin.

And of course the same much applies to Jacques Chirac of France, who should certainly also be required to stand trial for his major crimes against Humanity, at the very least for his contributing France's criminal aid in the entirely criminal coup d'etat in Haiti. Meanwhile, there are also others; and as far as I'm aware, and not, both France and Britain have ratified the ICC, too.

Jesus of Nazareth said roughly 2,000 years ago that "all human institutions will fail", and that's awfully become [very] evidently true and realistic; very foretelling.

As long as they keep failing, activism will always be required and certainly justified. And it's good news to learn that such activism is continuing in Canada.

And while I disagree much with former pope JPII, one of the several things that he said and which I will always agree with is to apply not the law of force, but the force of law. It's time for the ICC and all governments to stick to law, instead of pandering to the interests of the world's worst beasts, hegemonically hell-bent imperialists, etc.

Heck, even the UN is now extremely criminally involved in the continuing coup d'etat operations in Haiti.

Whoa, was Jesus ever Right.

Mike Corbeil

Canton de Hatley, Qc.

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