
"Helem "(dream) or "kabous"(nightmare)

Henry Wahbe, Lunes, Mayo 9, 2005 - 14:37

Henry Wahbe

Harrasement by a group which is supposed to protect the rights of Gays and Lesbians of Lebanese and Arab origin!!!

Kabous is an Arabic word which means nightmare...Such has been my experience with "Helem", a group which has supposedly been created to protect the rights of Gays and Lesbians of Lebanese and Arabic origin!...Here's a typical example of Irony...I thought that by being gay and of Lebanese origin, that I was going to automatically be accepted and respected by this group...On the contrary, not only I was made to feel unwelcomed, but I witnessed some pretty negative and degrading comments towords myself and other people in public...Most members of this group are very snob and if they simply don't like the face of the person who visits them they criticize or even humiliate him or her...I was often the victim of their vulgar and utterly humiliating comments, be it in public places such as Cafés, Restaurants, night clubs, metro stations, or at one of their numerous "Charity"(!!!) events...Shame on "Helem" or rather "Kabous"!!! Henry Wahbe

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