Thousands Demonstrate in Haiti for Democracy, end of Repression, Return of AristideAnonyme, Miércoles, Mayo 4, 2005 - 23:49 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Elections & partis | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Poverty | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Agence Haitienne Presse
Leaving from the popular neighbourhood of Bel-Air, the demonstrators denounced in particular the violations of the Haitian constitution, and the failure to respect the popular vote, as well as extra-judicial executions. They declared themselves determined to stay mobilized until they obtain the liberation of former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune, who continues a 17-day hunger strike, as well as the liberation of all of the other officials and activists incarcerated, they claim, in order to get Lavalas out of the way. The demonstrators also shouted slogans against the interim government, whose departure they demanded, claiming that too much blood has already been needlessly shed. This action was also an occasion for the participants to demand that MINUSTAH and the UN in general condemn the assassination of 5 Lavalas activists during a peaceful demonstration in the Christ-Roi neighbourhood on April 27. In a message read out in front of the UN offices, one of the spokespersons for the group from Bel-Air, Sanba Mackandal, indicated that one of the objectives of the mandate of MINUSTAH is the protection of civil liberties and the stabilization of the country. On this point, Sanba Mackandal pointed out the gravity of the continuing detention of political prisoners, and the recent shootings of peaceful demonstrators while a UN Mission is operating in the country. Dozens of MINUSTAH soldiers were called upon for support by the demonstrators. The UN soldiers then forced the Haitian National Police present to back down and to put away their weapons. The demonstration thereafter carried on without incident, under the protection of the UN soldiers. AHP May 4 2005 2:10 PM (unofficial translation) |
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