Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Bring your signs, banners, flags, and other symbols of Palestinian resistance! This is a call for your solidarity and participation in a demonstration organized by the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugee and the International Solidarity Movement in Montreal. This demonstration aims to highlight the Palestinian struggle for self-determination in Montreal, Palestine and throughout the world. Tear Down the Apartheid Wall in Palestine!
Bring your signs, banners, flags, and other symbols of Palestinian resistance! This is a call for your solidarity and participation in a demonstration organized by the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugee and the International Solidarity Movement in Montreal. This demonstration aims to highlight the Palestinian struggle for self-determination in Montreal, Palestine and throughout the world. In Montreal and throughout Canada upwards of 100 Palestinian refugeeS continue to face deportation from Canada at the hands of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. For over 2 years, those Palestinian refugees facing deportation have continued to organize collectively against deportation, detention and for their status, actively engaging in political campaigns in Toronto, Montreal & Vancouver with the support of thousands of people across the country and the world. The struggle against Palestinian deportations continues within the context of a larger movement of immigrants and refugees throughout Canada, who are standing up to the racist policies of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. In Palestine the struggle against Israeli occupation, colonialism and for liberation continues on a daily basis. The Israeli state continues the construction of the Apartheid Wall in Palestine, this past February 2005, Ariel Sharon's government approved the final route of the wall. Upon final approval, Israeli occupation forces have moved forward with the wall's construction at a tremendous speed, Palestinian villages such as Biddu, Beit Surik, Bil'in, Rafat, and Hebron have seen the total devastation of their agricultural and residential lands during the past month, but resistance is on the rise in Palestine. The time for international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and the ongoing construction of the Apartheid Wall is now! Repeated calls from occupied Palestine for international support and solidarity have been sounded and here in Montreal we plan to take the streets in solidarity. The Canadian government remains both complicit and also actively engaged with the war against Palestinians at home and abroad. At home Immigration Canada continues its policy of deportation of Palestinians back to both occupied Palestine and the war-torn Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon. Abroad the Canadian government remains a silent partner in the ongoing colonization of Palestine. Recently the Canadian government refused to vote in favor of a resolution at the United Nations to condemn the Israeli Apartheid Wall, illustrating clearly the Canadian government's complicity with ongoing Israeli occupation and colonialism, which is destroying Palestinians lives. We must stand united with Palestinians in Montreal and in Palestine in their struggle for self-determination, justice and dignity! We will take the streets of Montreal in solidarity with Palestinians in Canada who are struggling for status and in Palestine who continue to resist the Apartheid Wall and Israeli occupation. Down with the Apartheid Wall! In Solidarity, Info: 514 398 3323 / refu...@riseup.net / http://refugees.resist.ca
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