
Bush II. Benedict XVI on War, and a Petition

Anonyme, Domingo, Abril 24, 2005 - 19:27

Sensum Fidelium

The greatest evil in the world today must be exposed and named.

Doctrine on Peace:


Bush's faith:


People of all persuasions are welcomed and encouraged to sign:

To: His Holiness, Benedict XVI, Pope and Bishop of Rome

Your Holiness:

Please be assured of our prayers on your behalf as you take on the responsibilities of the Petrine Office.

Jesus of Nazareth calls all men and women, in all times, and especially in these challenging days, to take up their Cross and follow Him. [Matt. X: 38; XVI: 24; Mark VIII: 34; Luke XIX: 23; XIV: 27].

We witness today prominent men who flippantly call on the Holy Name [Ex. XX: 7] to bless and sanction their criminal acts and take unto themselves the title "Christian". Yet, the Lord Himself warns that "not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." [Matt. VII: 21.]
"Blessed are the peacemakers", He assures us, "for they shall be called the children of God. [Matt. V: 9.]

Liars, on the other hand, are the children of Satan, because the devil is the father of lies. [John VIII: 44].

St. Paul admonishes us: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." [Eph. V: 11].

We respectfully urge you to consider the state of the world today, in the light of Sacred Scripture and the Apostolic Tradition, in particular the prophesies of Daniel, Paul and John and to expose and repudiate George W. Bush as the "Man of Sin" [II Thess. II: 3], the "Beast" [Apocalypse XI: 7] and the very Antichrist [I John II: 18].


The Undersigned

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-1 aucun lien justice social
Lun, 2005-04-25 15:48

-1 aucun lien justice social

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Lun, 2005-04-25 17:25

i disagree. i think the policies of bush and the new pope have quite a bit to do with social justice in general. +1, but reclassifying as 'communiqué'.

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