CANADA FAILING HAITIANS SAYS McDONOUGHAnonyme, Lunes, Abril 11, 2005 - 13:56
Haiti Action
HALIFAX – NDP Foreign Affairs Critic Alexa McDonough today stressed that the increasing flow of arms into Haiti and the continuing cycle of violence in that country raise serious questions about the adequacy of Canada’s role in helping to relieve the suffering of Haitians. CANADA FAILING HAITIANS SAYS McDONOUGH HALIFAX – NDP Foreign Affairs Critic Alexa McDonough today stressed that the increasing flow of arms into Haiti and the continuing cycle of violence in that country raise serious questions about the adequacy of Canada’s role in helping to relieve the suffering of Haitians. "Four months ago the Prime Minister, in addressing a conference on the future of Haiti, asserted that, 'an urgent need exists for measures to ensure security by disarmament.' Yet arms continue to flow virtually unabated into Haiti," said The project manager of the Small Arms Survey at the Graduate Institute of "The federal government has been silent in the face of repeated demands from observers in Haiti and aid organizations that Canada answer nagging questions about how CIDA funding is being spent in Haiti, and whether Canada’s police training and logistical support is enhancing Haiti’s ability to actually "With this increased arms flow into Haiti, we have a recipe for disaster. There |
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