
PALESTINE, Independent MEDIA & the WAR of Information

Anonyme, Viernes, Abril 8, 2005 - 08:10


FRIDAY, APRIL 8th, 7pm
3-5$ Donation
H-937 Concordia University Hall Building
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
(metro Guy-Concordia)
A benefit event for CKUT's Community News Collective, as part of CKUT's Funding Drive, which is an annual opportunity for people in Montreal to show their support and solidarity with CKUT Radio. This event will highlight the important connections and links, which have been built between the Palestinian solidarity movement in Montreal and CKUT Radio, highlighting the critical role, which independent / community based media plays within the ongoing Palestinian liberation struggle.

A benefit event for CKUT's Community News Collective..

FRIDAY, APRIL 8th, 7pm
3-5$ Donation
H-937 Concordia University Hall Building
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West
(metro Guy-Concordia)

A benefit event for CKUT's Community News Collective, as part of CKUT's Funding Drive, which is an annual opportunity for people in Montreal to show their support and solidarity with CKUT Radio. This event will highlight the important connections and links, which have been built between the Palestinian solidarity movement in Montreal and CKUT Radio, highlighting the critical role, which independent / community based media plays within the ongoing Palestinian liberation struggle.


----> MOHAMMED BAKRI, the director of the world-renowned film "JENIN JENIN", will give a presentation on the importance of indepedent reporting and media within the Palestinian struggle. Mohammed is travelling from Palestine to Canada for this event, which will also include the screening of his film Jenin, Jenin.

----> AHMAD MUSTAFA, is a Palestinian refugee from El-Bass refugee camp in southern Lebanon facing deportation from Canada and an key organizer, involved with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees in Montreal.

----> AARON LAKOFF, a member of CKUT's Community News Collective and the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), who recently returned from Palestine. Aaron will speak about indepedent reporting from occupied Palestine and also present an audio-visual collage of his sounds & images recorded in Palestine.

----> EHAB LOTAYEF, a CKUT Radio volunteer, who recently returned from Occupied Palestine will present on the distortion and manipulation of major media institutions on the Israeli occupation. Ehab is a member of the ISM and Parole Arabe a Montreal based collective of Arab activists.

Organized by: CKUT Radio's Community News Collective, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) - Montreal, Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR), the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, the Link - Concordia University's Independent Newspaper, CMAQ the Independent Media Center of Quebec, Palestinian & Jewish Unity (PAJU), Alternative Perspective Media (APM), the Canadian Palestinian Foundation (CPF) & the United Muslims Student Association.

Info: Contact CKUT's Community News Collective:
514 398 6788 / /

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