Students for a Free Tibet (SFT)
BOMBARDIER TARGETED BY TIBETAN RIGHTS GROUPS COMPANY TO BUILD CARS FOR CONTROVERSIAL RAILWAY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOMBARDIER TARGETED BY TIBETAN RIGHTS GROUPS COMPANY TO BUILD CARS FOR CONTROVERSIAL RAILWAY Montreal & New York City – Students for a Free Tibet set its sights on Bombardier today for its participation in the controversial railway being built by China through Tibet. The nearly 1,200-kilometre rail line will be the first to connect China to Tibet’s capital city and is opposed by Tibetans both inside and outside Tibet as a political project aimed at consolidating China’s control over the region. Bombardier is one of the first western corporations to directly partner with the Chinese government in the construction of the railway. Once completed, it will bring an influx of Chinese settlers into Tibet, further marginalizing Tibetans and posing a threat to the survival of their culture and identity. “The Tibet railway threatens the very survival of Tibetans as a people, |
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