World Bank Wolfowitz: Shame over the European Union!Anonyme, Miércoles, Marzo 30, 2005 - 10:48 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales)
Foreign Press Foundation
Today some criminal European Union governments endorsed World Bank war criminal # 2 Paul Wolfowitz, and will probably not arrest him, nor arrest US war criminal #1 George Bush, as they should and which they according to law are obliged to do. And you too! THEY SHOW THEIR REAL FACES AGAIN... by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - Brussels - March 30 - 2005 - In a shameless comment made by some of the corrupt and brainless European Union ministers of finance - who are all World Bank 'governors' - and thus bribed/paid by the criminal World Bank neoconmen - today it was said in Brussels at the EU Head Quarters that: "there are no objections of EU countries to Wolfowitz''. Who met for two hours with those ignorant and collaborating 'development and finance ministers' at EU headquarters in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. PLEASE DO REMEMBER, THAT THIS TOOK PLACE WITHOUT ANYBODY OF THOSE PRESENT PROTESTING THE GENOCIDAL US WARS AND THE VICTIMS. LET'S REMEMBER THEM, THOSE 'JUDASES' OF OUR TIME. It is an eternal shame for those involved in Belgian and other EU government circles on that level - EU or US/Israel - that even a criminal like George Bush in May is invited to Europe, and not immediately having arrested a war criminal like this 'Albert Speer' of the Iraq war and ruthless US/Israeli hegemony - the abominable Wolfowitz - for his overwhelmingly proven 'crimes against humanity'. Including torture...remember Abu Ghraib... WOLFOWITZ: GUILTY OF MORE THAN 100.000 INNOCENT DEAD- AND THE EU BOWS ? This is more shame over Europe than those US lackeys in Brussels can make people take: some form of justice and punishment must come soon for all involved. The fact that the European Union shows it true face by endorsing inhumanity and allowing creatures like Wolfowitz and his World Bank gangsters*to operate unharmed, shows the electorate in Europe at what low level many of their so called 'EU reps' crawl and creep. The role of the 'Duce' - like Mussolini to Hitler ['il Duce' got in the end what people thought he deserved*] - within NATO-Brussels is played by the disgusting Dutchman (J)aap de Hoop Scheffer, and the European Union is thoroughly misled by a treacherous creep like the so called 'President of the European Commission': Mr. José Manuel Barosso, the US right-wing 'Trojan Horse' who was fraudulently forced to the helm of the EU, all the time afraid of- and licking the US boots. A disgusting traitor. Those people criminally involved, in Belgium, the Netherlands (the criminal 'managers') and in the rest of the European Union: all who took part should be remembered as the war criminals they are, even endorsing World Bank atrocities, and as soon as is possible be brought to justice. Because warcrimes is exactly what they are advocating, and nothing of the propaganda which their own mainstream media are spewing ans smearing out is true: it's all wartime propaganda i.e. lies. Because using 'hit men'* and 'killing for profit' is what Wolfowitz and his racket of inhumane zionist banking crooks 'The Robber Barons' - have been doing for decades. The robbing Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and more of their ilk like the Morgans and the 'Green ink & Paper' fraud: Alan Greenspan from the Fed. The 'Federal Bank' is nowhere 'federal' or 'state': it is the banking crooks own private Bank: http://tinyurl.com/5epnk We are not supposed to know, but just to ''Endure Freedom": * CIA JACKALS & WORLD BANK WOLFOWITZ - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4rh52 * World Bank: An army doesn't march on an empty stomach - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6v9y8 * American propaganda service Assoc. Press - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4zkpk The European ministers advocating those criminal systems are criminals themselves, and should be treated as such. Their time will come... How to make a 'Citizen's Arrest' to stop Bush, Wolfowitz, Negroponte, Kissinger and all of the other war criminals of any nationality: any offender who violates international law during these times of war: Citizens Arrests - Url.: http://www.constitution.org/grossack/arrest.htm They'll all probably prefer a Court case, instead of Duce Mussolini's fate: http://tinyurl.com/49eyr And off - to their own Guantanamo Henk Ruyssenaars FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION *The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! *At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) - because: He who travels far will often see things Far removed from what he believed was the Truth. When he talks about it in the fields at home, He is often accused of lying, For the obdurate people will not believe Inexperience, I believe, Will give little credence to my song. 'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse *'The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v *England's legal advise by the Foreign Office: the Iraq war is a 'crime of aggression' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/44nhn *A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5u98v *Imagine the good which could have been done with so much money - 'The $Cost of War' to the US - Url.: http://www.costofwar.com/ *Colin Powell: ''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c *Former PM Wim Kok, and other Dutch Govt's War criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp *Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies: Url. http://tinyurl.com/3tgo3 *It can and must be done ! *Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ HR FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html -0-
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