

Anonyme, Domingo, Marzo 6, 2005 - 08:17

Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez

Movimiento de Documentalistas

Declaration of the Movement of Documentarists


Drawn up by Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez

There is no weapon of massive destruction deadlier than Imperialism. It depredates nature, societies and civilizations. In the last 100 years, Imperialism has multiplied, as a acute phase of Capitalism, its destruction capacity. It has stopped development, it has started a period of generalized crisis and it has brought about the expansion of misery to an extent so far unheard of. Millions of corpses and maimed people, war casualties, millions and dozens of millions of terrorized, crushed, cheated people. It is an extraordinary cataclysm. A monstrosity.

And they want to silence us with censorship.

Censorship is nothing but the cynic updating of Fascism. Many documentarists in the central as well as in the colonized or semi-colonised countries recognize the strategies of censorship and self censorship. They know that it is an imperative of their work to use even the most unexpected chance of “legality

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