
Invite Hugo Chavez to Ottawa

Anonyme, Miércoles, Marzo 2, 2005 - 14:59

yves engler

Now is the time for Canada to invite Chavez because the U.S. administration is working hard to isolate Venezuela and may be trying to assassinate its president.

Invite Hugo Chavez to Ottawa, already!
The NDP suggested this a while back but got no response from a Liberal government worried about Washington and the business elite’s reaction. But, signaling our country’s support of Latin American democracy by inviting a president who has faced three direct and six indirect elections/referendums over the past six years and won every one, is the least Canada can do after tacitly endorsing the Venezuelan elite’s April 2002 coup.

Now is the time for Canada to invite Chavez because the U.S. administration is working hard to isolate Venezuela and may be trying to assassinate its president.

Last week State Department sub-secretary Robert Zoellick reiterated Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s comment calling Chavez a “negative force

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