The Fear of the FührersAnonyme, Domingo, Febrero 27, 2005 - 05:03 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Imperialism)
the Foreign Press Foundation
"Residents had been told to step on to their balconies "at their own peril"- for fear that the president's security "might misunderstand the gesture and act accordingly." by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - the Netherlands - Feb. 27 - 2005 - A case symptomatic of the fear the Führers of the New World Order and their fellow travelers have of their fellow human beings, was - contrary to the usual now - published by the Washington Post, but is still very underreported: According to the Post, the Bush administration is so afraid that anything of their sayings or plans may leak out to the public that they even force upon their own journalists controlling bodyguards, so called 'minders'. "Now the art of press handling has evolved into actual manhandling. The Bush administration has expanded the use of "minders," government employees or volunteers who escort journalists from interview to interview within a venue or at a newsworthy event," the Post stated.* Anybody who like me has been working as a journalist/correspondent, has experienced how it is to be working in the forced company of 'minders' in totalitarian states: like in the Soviet Union and 'allied' states with their 'overcoats' controlling all journalists. The 'minders' always were the bitter laughing stock among visiting reporters. I just got back from Germany, where another sign of the real 'Fear of the Führers' was shown by President Bush and some of Washington's leading collaborators in Europe, by fortressing the visited cities,* Which in Germany resulted in Bush and his entourage suffering a hail of insults from the moment Air Force One touched down at nearby Rhein-Main military air base, as journalists Alec Russell in Mainz and Kate Connolly in Berlin reported. "Air passengers were left fuming as the authorities bowed to the wishes of American officials and took the unprecedented step of clearing the airspace for Mr. Bush's arrival and departure. Hundreds of flights at Frankfurt's main airport were delayed and dozens canceled. As the presidential entourage sped over the Rhine into the seemingly abandoned city in a snowfall, and along streets lined by police, the imagery was reminiscent of a Cold War summit. Much to the outrage of many locals, five autobahns had been closed, the Rhine was blocked to traffic, and most businesses were shut. Residents had been told to step on to their balconies "at their own peril" for fear that the president's security "might misunderstand the gesture and act accordingly".* The Führers have this fear because they know what happened to Prime Minister Indira Ghandi - the 'leader' of India - who in 1984 ordered an attack on Sikh nationalists. The dominant figure in Indian politics for over two decades, she was assassinated by Sikh separatists. The assassins were two members of her own bodyguard who riddled her body with gunfire as she walked from her home to her office. According to different estimates, since 1970 there have been approximately 30 assassinations of heads of state, including Indira Ghandi, the Prime Minister of India, in 1984; her son, Rajiv, in 1991 and Yitzak Rabin, the Israeli Prime Minister, in 1995. And the fear of the Führers is well founded, because they know it can be anybody, anywhere and anytime who can take revenge and punish them for their inhumanity and atrocities. It may be done by the 'spook murder squads', or lone killers like in the classical case when the feared Russian secret service - after NKVD/GPU and KGB now named FSB - assassinated Leon Trotsky, 64 and a half years ago, on a hot afternoon the 20th of August 1940. In an old house surrounded by leafy trees and cactus in the peaceful suburb of Coyoacán, in Mexico City Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as Leon Trotsky, fell victim to an assassination expressly ordered by Joseph Stalin. Under the pretext of correcting an article, the assassin managed to gain access to Trotsky. While the two men were alone together in the library, the assassin hit Trotsky from behind, wielding a sharp steel ice-pick used by mountaineers, with a shortened handle. It's definitely only thanks to a billion $ secret service that president Bush is still alive, but like in Ghandi's or Trotsky's case, maybe it's going to be a gardener swinging a spade, or a waiter at the next gala dinner, with all the knifes and forks laid out on the table, who for himself has decided that 'enough is enough.' It could be somebody from the presidential 'entourage', like some bodyguard in the american SSB secret service who has a brother or good friend killed in Iraq, where they get body and mind poisoned by depleted uranium. It can be someone who has a mother or family member dying because they can't afford the hospital and medicines anymore. A man/father out of work or gone broke, or an old member of the NRA: his pension and soon his Social Security stolen the Enron way: the thieves disappearing in the administration's neocon-smoke to their tax havens. Or it will be someone who is just fed up with all the massacres, who has been trained at boot camp and learned only one way to solve a problem: by killing. That's why he Führers fear the moment they'll be a dying 'emperor' like in Shakespeare's play 'Julius Caesar', gurgling in bloody foam the famous line: 'You, too, Brutus?' Bratislava meeting with Putin was a humiliation Rather underreported in the States too, is the way president Bush turned the last screw to make a definitive 'Brutus' of president Putin by humiliating him in front of the world's TV cameras and other reporters/distorters like CNN. It was a globally seen 'slap in the face', which one - if you're clever - absolutely shouldn't do to an ex KGB boss. Their body language spoke a thousand words: like the one/tenth of a second handshake with Chirac too. Many experienced politicians and observers think Bush is down in a global gutter, and can't even turn on his back so he at least sees some stars. In England 'The Independent' newspaper put a finger on the sore spot which keeps growing and already has reached 'red alert' status concerning Russia's president Putin: "However he indulged in none of the informal small talk beloved of Mr. Bush, and looked relieved to exit the stage with a stiff handshake, his face taut with pressure. In Russian official circles, the meeting is likely to be seen as a humiliation."* To rub it in Mr. Bush also used an earlier speech to revel in the success of 'revolutions' in the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia, ''US made revolutions'' which Moscow opposed. Mr. Bush said he hoped for similar progress in Belarus and Moldova... which was another slap: meaning the US and it's bullied, bribed and blackmailed allies announced openly, that they will try to put two more former 'Russian' states in the 'big geopolitical game' under their influence. As usual with the overt and covert 'help' plus actions of the NSA/CIA, and their cover organizations, like the 'National Endowment for Democracy' - (as in Venezuela now - http://tinyurl.com/5ce5p ) - and through the manipulations of some of the so called NGO's, often financed by billionaire and crooked old CIA hand Soros. [Soros-CIA-News - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/4uzo7] The fact that Putin partly 'lost' Ukraine* to the US seems to be some limit; and it looks like as if a line has been drawn in the sand of Europe by ex-KGB Chief Vladimir Putin, who not only knows all the dirty tricks, but through his KGB background and training can be ruthless - or worse - than an american neoconman. Double Dutch: Fear and Fakes When american writer Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge published the book* ''Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates'' she wrote about the fear of the people in the Netherlands of being flooded by the water, kept out by the dikes. By putting his finger in the dike - so the fable goes - Hans saved the country and my forefathers from being flooded. The respected writer had never been to Holland, but when ever more tourists - who had read the book - started asking: "Where Hans has his statue?", the Dutch very fast put up one.* So it's a fake, but satisfying, this Hans Brinker statue... 'White Haus' propagandist and 'spin Meister' Karl Rove couldn't have done better, and in the same manner the Dutch 'government/management' - secretly follows the US neocon's blueprint for the New World order - slavishly following Washington's - and for them profitable - orders. Convention against Torture? And while the US is secretly negotiating with the warrying parties in Iraq, to find a way out of the war they are loosing in this 'body bag quagmire', the Netherlands gladly assists in the carnage. When dutch radio IKON on Sunday morning february 27th informed about the fact that the Netherlands as a State had not even signed the protocoll for the UN's 1984 'Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment' nobody seemed to know the hypocritical stand taken by different 'governments'. [UN Torture Convention - http://tinyurl.com/5tbhl] Nobody apparently cared for 20 years? In the Netherlands the fear of 'terror flooding' however - through the fake of the ''War on Terrorism'' - is fomented by the mainstream media which are owned by the banking/industry which profits from it. The so called 'official' Netherlands National News Agency (ANP) - using mostly US Newspeak services like AP, CNN and the like - is owned by 'Fentener van Vlissingen', a dutch multinational, seeing to the economical interests of it's malicious multinational Brethren in Holland and elsewhere first. And they do not want to talk about their profitable collaboration with the Nazis. Globally seen, Holland should be ashamed to be # seven as weapons dealer and assisting bloodmoney earners. In secret cooperation with the US and Israel, the main dutch airport Schiphol* is used, legally or illegally: who cares? After a visit to Washington and Condoleezza Rice last week to receive new marching orders, the abominable dutch minister of foreign affairs Bot (meaning 'blunt' in Dutch, which he is) - bluntly announced that according to the law all new agreements with the US and Israel - like the existing deals - are secret: not much can or should be told of the further taking part of the Netherlands in the US/UK's illegal* wars or the secret deals made in Washington, he said. The people who pay are not allowed to know? Apparently not, because again the slaves in The Hague are sending more cannon fodder to illegally "Kill & Destroy" poor people in Afghanistan. [Gun Camera film footage; the U.S. 'Killing Fields' - Afghanistan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6ommg] - Morally totally wrong and for an unknown - but certainly big - amount of the dutch taxpayers money. And they think they can do this without being held accountable for their misdeeds which are crimes against humanity? Why don't they send of their own children to war, if they think and say it's 'justified' ? The tide will turn however. In Holland some critical parliamentarians and especially one member (Koenders) of the subdued and with Israel and the US But even Weisglass can't justify this: There is no declaration of war on either side, and Afghanistan has never attacked Holland. Nor has Iraq for that matter, the Dutch responsibles thus being guilty of war crimes, and their time will come.* The dutch troops and 'special forces' illegally kill the people however, not knowing even who those people are, without any form of investigation or trial. Where are the people remembering what law was like? Where's the indignation over all the dead? On all sides ? And who benefits ? Unfortunate Fortuyn That's why the fear at the top - among the not 'Deutsch' - but 'Dutch Führers' - keeps growing, especially after their killing of politician Fortuyn* in May 2002 - who in a landslide victory was going to win the elections, and endangered the 'status quo' of the dutch 'management.' Fortuyn had announced he would 'clean up the Augius stables' in the Hague among all civil servants behaving like small kings in their Departments and Ministries. His political plan was to downsize the overgrown and overpaid higher echelons in the military, getting rid of the air force and concentrate on the Navy. The 8 $million for an unnecessary fighter plane - Lockheed's J.S.F - Fortuyn said he needed to spend on social structures, and so he signed his death warrant: nine days before the elections - which he posthumely won in a landslide - he was gunned down. It is understood 'they' had to kill him to save their flesh pots, but many people started understanding. That Monday night (06-05-2002) when mr. Fortuyn was shot, some kind of revolt started: thousands of people marched to the House of Parliament and the Tower part of it: the place where the treacherous PM Wim Kok was presiding, who is and was a shameless 'sell out'. For hours the people outside were demonstrating against their 'Führers', shouting: 'The Government killed him', and: 'Murderers!' Scenes not seen in the Netherlands for hundreds of years, and the mainstream media showed as little as was possible: to not give the people an impulse or idea. It was a medieval scene : "Things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed", the govt.'s and mainstream Volkskrant newspaper commented. One of the most hated people - Ad Melkert, PM Wim Kok's assistant 'Rasputin' of a right wing party that once had called itself 'social democratic', fled the country to the US and it's malicious World Bank, and many saw themselves forced to disappear from the official scene. Thinking they can hide... In rare interviews afterwards the Führers told about their fear at that moment: while hiding for the hatred and disgust of the electorate outside, behind armed guards and thick walls hiding for the people that once had elected some of them to the parliament to represent them. THOSE PEOPLE ALL FEEL BETRAYED AND SEE THAT THE LAWS ARE USED AGAINST THEM: NOT TO PROTECT THEM ANYMORE. Holland: A first 'uprising' in 2002 ''The killing of popular politician Pim Fortuyn - May 6th 2002 - pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since World War II. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed. There is a huge danger that intense resentment will gain the upper hand in this extremely polarized climate." - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/4brx9 Many dutch people - even those who disliked him politically - are still heard saying : "By killing him, they (the present government et al) are trying to silence us. He said what many people were thinking. He was like a paradise bird among crows." Lying ministers No wonder the blunt minister of foreign affairs 'Bot' lies. Just as the likewise despicable minister of defense/warmongering Henk Kamp, saying that: "According to the Royal Kingdom of the Netherlands Constitution - article 97 - this is to be secret''. The reason being that they do not want to tell the truth about secretly sending up to a thousand troops to Afghanistan, maybe squandering many lives, with all the military equipment to go with it: including airplanes and submarines: it's not their responsability. The crooks running Holland are Quislings 'optima forma' ! They always lied about the $ and Euro-billion frauds/deals/thefts which have been going on for decades. And keep lying about all the dirty deals and secret agreements with the US/UK and Israel, which however concern the uninformed locals and dutch troops taking part in the (illegal) killing and destroying wars. Article 97 of the dutch constitution states only that one is obliged to defend ones country. Supporting and spreading the lies, the Dutch industry information agency ANP quoted Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende as saying ''the new mission did not need parliamentary approval'', and should be kept secret "according to the law." This is a pertinent lie by this Quisling PM, who calls himself a 'Christian' too, like Bush and some of his ilk. The lying ministers - nor the collaborating media - did mention the Article that comes before 97 on the page of the Constitution: Article 96. Article 96 states that ''taking part in a war only is possible after a debate and an official 'Declaration of War' by the Dutch Parliament (the States General).'' Which has not happened, because most members of parliament are not well informed and/or ignorant, while the people are permanently 'fingered' by collaborating, spinning and faking 'media people'. (NOT journalists). Here one can trace a big part of the 'Fear of the Führers' too: when people calling themselves 'journalists' will straighten their cooked spaghetti spines again, and stop serving lies to the people; than the rightfully angry people will start punishing them. Hopefully by enforcing the same laws which the present 'rulers' have thrown out. Reacting like they did the night Fortuyn was murdered would make the situation worse though. The overall impression in the world - like in Holland - is that [with all justification] ever more people 'are taking the law in their own hands': like the military-industrial criminals have been doing for such a long time. The people's awakening from their media-zombie-ism, and their justified and angry reactions: there lies the fear among the collaborators among the industrial, military, journalistical and political leadership. And they should be afraid... The fear being justly based upon the idea that when enough people really find out about how long, how far - and at what costs to their own lives - they have been taken for the 'Terror Ride of the Century': paying the fake themselves - they will start a revolution and look for lampposts for the crooks, à la Mussolini: - http://tinyurl.com/4mbew Capital punishment however is never an acceptable solution: By treating the war criminals like they did to their victims, one lowers oneself to the same level they are on: jailing, torturing and killing war criminals. An often heard suggestion is to give'm all 'life' in the infamous Guantanamo concentration camp. Chickens coming home to roost under the Cuban sun. A better solution is to go on with one of the independent 'War Crimes Tribunals' - formed by "people of the law", who will investigate the war criminals, and apply the International law the Führers c.s. now trample upon. And it certainly should be 'people of the law' who NOW speak out and protest; not afterwards. It will be a pleasure to cover their trials. Henk Ruyssenaars Footnotes/links: UN Secr. general Kofi Annan: 'The war in Iraq is illegal' Minders for US journalists - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6gu2t Leaders fortressing cities - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5ph5v Bush in NWO/Cold War meeting in Europe - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5hwuv Putin loses his smile after lecture from Bush on democracy: Independent / Bratislava meeting - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6y8s8 Why not try an article which is contrary to all you read in your history books: 'Why Putin is under attack' - by David Duke: http://tinyurl.com/6j9ju Soros, US & Ukraine - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3rz5u Fortuyn - Silencing a Dead man - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5u6fz Dutch propaganda about the ineffective parliament' - http://www.eerstekamer.nl/ Old drawing of 'Hans Brinker' symbolizing the awkward situation many dutch journalists are in: unable [or not willing] to look across the 'mainstream media dikes' -Url.: http://tinyurl.com/68ry9 The whole book online - ''Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates'' - Dutch war criminals to send "Kill and Destroy" -commandos to Afghanistan - by the US Information service 'Reuters' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4c4bk * Schiphol airport/Israel - On January 29, 1999, Dutch Attorney General Vrakking testified that the El Al security detachment at Schiphol [airport] was a branch of the israeli secret service Mossad. A Dutch Air Guidance Organization employee told in a parliamentary hearing that the "policy" since 1973 was to keep quiet about all El Al activities. Schiphol workers testified that El Al planes were never inspected by customs or the Dutch Flight Safety Board. For all the Dutch know Schiphol is a turntable for nuclear weapons too, not only the usual US and Israeli biological and chemical WMD's, the so called BC-weapons - Schiphol+Mossad - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/42ct3 Contrary to dutch law and the wishes of most of the people, the US 'secretly' stores nuclear weapons in Holland, a political blackmail and malplaced move, making the 16 million in Holland a nr. 1 target too. -:Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3tava FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism. He who travels far will often see things 'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c Former PM, Quisling Wim Kok, and other Dutch Govt's war criminals in Court: Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp - Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments': Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ HR :-) FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html -0-
The Bratislava meeting with Putin was a humiliation.
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