
Rally in Solidarity with PALESTINIAN REFUGEES Facing Deportation!

Paul, Miércoles, Febrero 16, 2005 - 13:27

the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 18th, 4 - 6pm
Citizenship & Immigration Canada
1010 St. Antoine West
(metro Bonaventure)

----> Important Update: This past week Citizenship and Immigration Canada
(CIC) contacted the Palestinian Refugee Support Committee of the
Notre-Dame de Grace Church, conveying that the Ayoub family will receive a
decision on their application to remain in Canada on Humanitarian and
Compassionate within 1 month.

The Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, continues
to call on people to participate in the demonstration this coming Friday
February 18th, to demand an end to the deportation of all Palestinian
refugees and for the immediate regularization of all Palestinians
currently in Canada.

Background Information on the Coalition Against
the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees

Currently more than 100 Palestinian refugees in Canada face imminent
deportation, some to the United States, where they could end up in
indefinite detention. Most of the refugees are from the refugee camps of
Lebanon and from the Occupied Territories. Their claims for refugee status
in Canada have been systematically rejected in recent years and they have
now fallen subject to Citizenship and Immigration Canada's draconian
policies of detention and deportation.

On November 30, 2004 Immigration Canada deported Ahmad Nafaa, a stateless
Palestinian refugee from Ain el Hilweh refugee camp in Southern Lebanon,
from Montreal to the United States. Persons denied refugee status in the
United States, and who cannot be deported to another country, have often
ended up in indefinite detention in harsh conditions.

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are systematically prevented from owning
property, working in over 70 professions, receiving proper health care,
and moving and traveling freely. The intensified mistreatment of
Palestinian refugees inside the camps has left their lives in real and
immediate peril.

Those Palestinians who have escaped the dire situation in the Occupied
Territories, face daily terror at the hands of the Israeli state, which
continues to enforce a deadly and illegal military occupation. Palestinian
refugees from the Occupied Territories have fled from the killings,
extra-judicial assassinations, house demolitions, illegal arrests, trials
without evidence, torture, land confiscation, and constant humiliations.

We must stand united against the injustice faced by the Palestinian
refugees who are set to be deported from Canada in the coming months. We
must demand an end to the deportation and an immediate regularization of
all Palestinian refugees in Canada.

Your support, solidarity and participation are urgently needed!

the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
Info: 514.859.9070 /

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Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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