
Canadian Coalition Demands Demilitarization of Aid in Aceh, as Indonesian Military Continues Attacks

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 7, 2005 - 12:47

France-Isabelle LANGLOIS

(Montreal) - An ad hoc coalition of major Canadian civil society and aid organizations is demanding that the Indonesian government immediately cease all non-aid related military operations in Aceh in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. The organizations condemn the Indonesian military’s failure to adhere to a ceasefire in Aceh province and its role in hindering the delivery of emergency aid.

The coalition includes KAIROS : Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives, Rights and Democracy, Alternatives and other groups working on human rights and development issues in Indonesia. The demand came on the eve of today’s major summit in Jakarta where senior government officials of donor and tsunami affected countries are discussing relief efforts.

In a letter sent yesterday (January, 5th) to the federal ministers responsible for Canada’s response to the tsunami disaster, the coalition asserts that the Indonesian army’s leading role in delivering aid is compromising the welfare of the Acehnese people.

“It is completely unacceptable that the military is engaged in launching attacks against the civilian population and delivering relief aid at the same time, A background opinion piece in an independent press review out of Washington, DC

Editor's note
Jue, 2005-01-13 12:05

The article that was originally published was not the final version and contained a number of innacuracies regarding. This version that appears now is the correct one. Feel free to contact me for more details.

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