
Adolf Would Be Proud

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 7, 2005 - 08:54

Stephen DeVoy

Same shit, different century.

Would Be Proud

Author: Stephen

Hitler's body died in 1945 but his thoughts and political philosophy live on
in the hearts of George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the Nazis
occupying our government.  I've seen many argue that anti-Semitism and
anti-Muslim hatred are different psychological animals.  Usually these
arguments rest on the vileness of hatred directed against Jews and end in a
defense for hating Muslims not much unlike the kind of defense that Hitler would
have provided to defend his slaughter of non-Aryans, the Jews included. 
These arguments asserting a distinction between hatred of Jews and hatred of
Muslims are just more proof that there is no important difference between the
two, for these arguments dehumanize Muslims just as Hitler dehumanized the Jews.

Even our outgoing Secretary of State cannot hold back his anti-Muslim hatred,
expressing it in his appraisal of the alleged rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe: "Anti-Jewish sentiment expressed by some in Europe's growing Muslim population, based on longstanding antipathy toward both Israel and Jews, as well as Muslim opposition to developments in Israel and the occupied territories, and more recently in Iraq." 
So, there you have, anti-Semitism in Europe is caused by "the Muslim
problem."  Do you have a final solution, Mr. Powell?

There is no doubt that anti-Semitism exists.  Looking back over the
previous century we can see that anti-Semitism resulted in the murder of
millions of human beings.  However, the notion that "so long as
anti-Semitism is not the cause, bigotry is not a real problem" is pathetic,
cynical, unjust and, as time passes and more and more Muslims are murdered by
the Bush Regime, a tool to assist in a new Holocaust.

Perhaps the bigotry of the new Nazi regime is more insidious than
Hitler's.  After all, Hitler was open about his hatred.  The American
Nazis speak religious tolerance from their mouths while practicing systematic
racism and oppression with their hands.  In addition to be genocidal, the
American Nazis are liars.

Leading this vile war against Muslims is the Department of Homeland Security
and the Defense Department.  The TSA regularly harasses Muslims at
airports, denies them their rights and subjects them to instant treatment as
potential terrorists, something that did not happen to blond white men in the
wake of the Oklahoma City Bombing or to Jewish middle aged men in response to the
JDL's plan to blow up Mosques and a Congressman in California

The U.S. Department of Defense has been committing crimes against humanity
and war crimes in Iraq.  Iraqi detainees, most not even charged with
criminal acts, have
been subjected to inhuman humiliation, rape, murder and torture

According to Pfc. Lynndie England's lawyer, U.S. soldiers, directed by U.S. Army
PsyOps, thought it was all in good fun!  I have a feeling that many
concentration camps guards in Hitler's Germany thought the same thing.

All of this has been made possible, as well, by the U.S. Government's use of
private defense contractors.  This should be no surprise as fascism,
according to its founder Benito Mussolini, is the "merger of state and
corporate power."

While the U.S. Department of Defense has been raping and abusing Muslims over
seas and the TSA has been abusing Muslims in the U.S. and the FBI has been
violating their rights domestically, the
Defense Intelligence Agency, using a private defense contractor in Austin,
Texas, has been raping Muslim websites

Samples of DIA comments about their online war against Muslims include "Destroy
every Muslim, genocide is all in order
," "I
totally agree... the sound of arab/muslim filthy children under an M1A1 tank
sounds good to me... music to my ears. Kill them and destroy this muslim plague
and even a
vile little song sung to the tune of "when the saints come marching in
These are but a small sample of thousands of comments spewed online by the DIA.

If you still think there is important difference between Hitler's early years
of power and those of George Bush, you are a bigot.

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