
Montreal's 6th Annual ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR!

Anonyme, Sábado, Enero 1, 2005 - 21:45

Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy is the largest anarchist event in North America, and an important exchange of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists alike, in French and English, with participants from all over North America and beyond. Founded in May 2000, the bookfair is now entering its sixth year.

Announcing ...

Montreal's 6th Annual
Saturday, May 21, 2005, 10am-6pm
2515 rue Delisle
(near Lionel-Groulx metro)

Mainspace and 1st floor rooms are wheelchair accessible.
The bookfair is a child-friendly event. Bring your kids!
Free childcare on-site.

books, pamphlets & zines ...
discussions, readings & debates ...
poetry, film & art ...
workshops, lectures & panels ...
and more ...

[*** Callouts for workshops, presentations, art exhibits, films, tables,
and Festival and Anarchy events are included below. ***]

--> The largest anarchist event in North America.
--> Part of the month-long Festival of Anarchy (May 2005).
--> Followed by a full day of Anarchist Presentations and Workshops (May
22, 2005).

For more information and updates:
tel: 514-859-9090


The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy is the largest anarchist event in North America, and an important exchange of anarchist and anti-authoritarian ideas. The Bookfair is for anarchists and non-anarchists alike, in French and English, with participants from all over North America and beyond. Founded in May 2000, the bookfair is now entering its sixth year.

Anarchist Bookfair events include book and information tables, workshops, readings, films, presentations, walking tours and much more. Once again, the Anarchist Bookfair will be followed -- on Sunday, May 22 -- by a full day dedicated to anarchist-themed workshops and presentations. As in the past, a "Festival of Anarchy" will take place during the weeks preceeding the Bookfair, with diverse events organized by anarchist and anti-authoritarian groups and individuals.

Proposal callouts for workshops, presentations, art exhibits, films, Festival of Anarchy events and tables are included below. We look forward to your suggestions and contributions!


The bookfair organizing collective is currently seeking workshop and presentation proposals for the Bookfair (May 21, 2005) and the Day of Anarchist Workshops and Presentations (May 22, 2005).

For the bookfair day, we are looking for introductory workshops to anarchism, or an aspect of anarchism, aimed at people who are curious about, or new to, anarchist ideas. The workshops should be accessible to non-anarchists.

For May 22, we are seeking proposals that address an anarchist-themed topic in some depth, and are intended for people who are already familiar with anarchism, or might identify as anarchists.

--> For more information about proposing workshops and presentations, including basic guidelines, please consult:

NOTE: The deadline for all workshop and presentation proposals is FEBRUARY 15, 2005.


In addition to the Bookfair and Day of Workshops, the entire month of May is part of a Festival of Anarchy, with diverse anarchist-themed events occurring at different venues in Montreal.

--> If you would like to propose an event to be included as part of the Festival of Anarchy, please contact us by e-mail or phone: or 514-859-9090.

The deadline to have your event included in our Festival of Anarchy calendar is APRIL 1, 2005.


The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will again be displaying artwork relating to anarchism and anti-authoritarian, autonomous or anarchist-supported struggles. Please consider proposing an exhibit of photos, posters, original art, repros - anything within the parameters of the Bookfair that can be mounted and hung on a wall or placed in a corner!

--> For more information about making a proposal for art exhibits, please consult:

The deadline for art exhibit proposals is APRIL 1, 2005.


The Montreal Anarchist Bookfair will again have a film room running all day, showing films related to anarchism or anarchist-supported struggles, that fall within the principles of the Anarchist Bookfair.

--> For more information about making a film proposal, please consult:

The deadline for film proposals is APRIL 1, 2005.


The heart of the bookfair is the main auditorium on May 21, 2005, which will include booksellers, distributors, independent presses and political groups from all over Montreal, Quebec and North America, and abroad.

--> To request a table at the bookfair, please e-mail or phone 514-859-9090. If you haven't tabled at the bookfair before, please include a description of your group.

The deadline to request a table is APRIL 15, 2005.


This year the bookfair collective will intends to do a mailout of bookfair publicity -- flyers and posters -- this spring.

--> If you would like to receive bookfair publicity by mail, to distribute in your community, please send your mailing address to: Also, please specify whether you want publicity materials in English, French or both.

--> If you are from the Montreal-area, and would like to help with local postering and flyering efforts, please pass on your e-mail and/or phone number to: or 514-859-9090. Also, please specify what areas you can poster.


If you have other ideas for the bookfair or Festival of Anarchy, don't hesitate to get in touch with a proposal!

You can stay in touch by e-mail, phone or by mail.

--> To receive a once-a-year mailout from the bookfair collective, send your mailing address to:

--> To receive regular updates and announcements by e-mail, please send your e-mail address to:

tel: 514-859-9090 (messages only)
post: Montreal Anarchist Bookfair
2033, St-Laurent Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec
Nous parlons francais.
Se habla espagnol.

Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Website
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