

Anonyme, Lunes, Diciembre 27, 2004 - 10:40

Mahatma K.H.

When contemporary war will be widely recognised as a misuse or misdirection of energy at large, we will solve our personal energy problem and that of this planet by the equilibrium of both.

Our global economy is based on the scarcity of supplies,
and many economic philosophies are centred on strife and struggle, competition and greed around these supplies, or just sharing. As soon as the illusion of contemporary war and interrelated phenomena will fade, and we begin to show we will share the resources of the world responsably and as best we can, we will find the space to find out who we really are, and be given the greater responsability of a nearly unlimited reservoir of energy, and find no excuse anymore for our divided way of life. In other words, we first have to give sincerely to be able to receive the more, without speculating. And this goes for all human relationship in general. If we cannot give, we won't even recognise or understand what is given to us. If somebody in need asks us, and we refuse to give from our own abundance, or even take our time (and his) in debating the legitimacy of his question by endless generalisations, we may become an accomplice to crime. Yet to give to someone who does not recognise this and handle well our generosity by giving evidence of a disproportionate enlargement of his primitive egotism, is equal to theft. And when we give with the intention to receive ten times more, we may lose all we have. Otheriwse all generosity would be a form of calculating, economic planning or a mere advertisment of one's own vainglory. Life has a deeper meaning than this. The solution to the scarcity of our global energy- supplies is therefore not merely a material problem, but symbolically centred in our capacity to learn to deal with energy in every way.

Energy is primordial to matter.

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