
Stand up for Cote Saint-Luc Emergency Medical Services

Anonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 16, 2004 - 14:15

Hal Newman

To save a life -- to attempt to save a life as an EMS provider whether he/she be part of a volunteer organization or a career service -- is equal parts a calling and a privilege.

To be the last voice someone hears as they leave this world, to usher in a new life, to hold someone's hand during some of the most difficult moments of their live -- this is not a community service that ought to be the 'exclusive right' of one group or another.

The firefighters' union is attempting to reserve the right to be the only ones to answer the call for help in Cote Saint-Luc and other municipalities/boroughs across Montreal. And at that they want to reserve the right to only respond to priority one calls -- which will leave many people waiting alone as long minutes tick by before an ambulance arrives.

We need to stand-up for Cote Saint-Luc EMS and its team of volunteers. Throughout the years they have touched so many lives in a caring healing fashion.. so many birthdays, anniversaries, family get-togethers that were attended by people whose lives were saved by Cote Saint-Luc EMS.

Cote Saint-Luc EMS is proof that when you save a life, you save a universe.

We're trying to get as many people as possible to go to Question Period at Montreal City Hall tomorrow, Friday Dec. 16 at 09h00. We must question and urge Mayor Tremblay and Council to safeguard CSL EMS by allowing us to continue responding to Prio 1 and 2 calls either exclusively or in conjunction with the FD.

Please pass the word.

Practice big medicine.

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