Squatter murdered by Nazi skinsAnonyme, Domingo, Diciembre 12, 2004 - 11:53
A young anarchist squatting in Barcelona has been murdered by fascists. Roger A.G., the young squatter stabbed on the 15 of August in the Gràcia district of Barcelona by a group of nazi skinheads, has died in the Hospital de la Vall d'Hebron after almost five months in a coma. At two in the morning on Sunday 15 August, during the Gracia neighbourhood fiesta, the police found Roger lying in a pool of blood, and arrested six skinheads at the scene. In September, Court number 11 of Barcelona which was investigating the brutal attack, freed the main suspect on 3.000 euros bail, despite orginally arguing that there was a strong risk of him reoffending because of "the strong hostility between these street gangs" referring to nazi skins and squatters. The judge ordered the other five people arrested at the time of the attack (four men and a woman, all aged between 19 and 26) to be freed without charge. |
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