
Son Of U.S. Consul General Luis Espada Is Webmaster For Online Hate Organization Targeting Muslims

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 8, 2004 - 10:29


I ask Canadians to please assist in informing the U.S. State Department that you do not approve of vigilante hate groups.

Son Of  U.S. Consul General Luis Espada Is Webmaster For Online Hate
Organization Targeting Muslims

Here To Send A Message

To The Secretary of State Asking

Him To Investigate This Matter

A son of Consul General Luis Espada, stationed at the
U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua
is the webmaster of the KOBEHQ online hate website
targeting Muslims.  The KOBEHQ website calls for internment of U.S. Muslims
in concentration camps, the arrest of all Anarchists as Enemies of the State and
genocide against Arabs and Muslims.

KOBEHQ has been online for more than two years now.  It takes credit
for the following:

  • Shutting down dozens of Muslim and Arab online forums through
    harassment.  Harassment includes forum flooding with pornography,
    threats and hacking.
  • Shutting down several anarchist websites.
  • Reporting Anarchist Webmaster Sherman Austin to the FBI which led to
    his arrest and imprisonment.
  • Online stalking of anarchists.
  • Infiltration into anarchist groups, including active attempts at
    framing anarchists for crimes.

The KOBEHQ organization has forged articles in the names of anarchists,
some of which were intended to prompt investigations by the Secret
Service.  The KOBEHQ organization has also published articles naming
anarchists as terrorists and asking Americans to report them to the FBI,
Homeland Security and Secret Service.  KOBEHQ took credit for attempting to
frame the Lucy Parson's Center of Boston by sending graphic materials of
interest to the Secret Service to that center, by mail and tipping off the
Secret Service that they would arrive.

KOBEHQ claims to have access to federal databases.  We want to know

Please contact the Department of State and ask them to investigate this

PA/PL, Rm. 2206

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street NW

Washington, D.C. 20520



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