
Venezuela: Revolutionary praxis and theory?

franzjutta, Lunes, Diciembre 6, 2004 - 09:40

Franz J. T. Lee

What is Revolutionary Praxis and Theory? Does the Bolivarian Revolution necessitate a scientific praxis and a philosophic theory? How are they related to the fundamental, dynamic forces of transformation of the whole American continent? What theoretical role can the progressive intellectuals of the world play in this dramatic emancipatory process?

Workers from all over America and the Caribbean will attend the Second Bolivarian Congress of the Peoples in Venezuela (December 6-9) to defend the unity and sovereignty of the Americas. What, we reflect here, should surely concern this world event.

Among other issues, the following questions are of paramount importance:

What is the theoretical framework of Venezuelan "Participatory Democracy" and "Citizen Power"?

Why over the last decades, despite the seeming consolidation of "electoral democracy," more than ever Latin America is still plagued by dire poverty, social discrimination and magnified corruption?

Within globalization, within the world capitalist, imperialist, closed system, will regional, popular, "participatory citizenship" ... encircled by world, metropolitan fascism in the making ... be powerful enough to create a healthy democracy, a future just society?

When Andres Eloy Leon stated: “We have a lot of work to do; we have to recuperate 500 or so years of oppression

News and Analyses about Venezuela and the World.

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