
Haiti - Human Rights Situation

Anonyme, Domingo, Diciembre 5, 2004 - 01:23

Besides the seven prisoners acknowledged killed yesterday at the National Penitentiary, at least 6 other persons are said to have died and several others
wounded resulting from the violence that erupted in Port-au-Prince during the day.

Haiti - human rights situation

December 1

Besides the seven prisoners acknowledged killed yesterday at the National Penitentiary, at least 6 other persons are said to have died and several others
wounded resulting from the violence that erupted in Port-au-Prince during the day.

The body of one woman was seen lying on the street at Rue du Champ de Mars.

Another woman, Mme Siwo, died of a heart attack at Rue de L'Enterrement
following the heavy gunfire that were shot in the close vicinity of the area where
she was hiding.

One man died at Rue de la Réunion opposite Radio Megastar and another near
the National Palace at Place du Mausolée.

One of the students from Lycée Pétion, Moise Cazeau, who were wounded when
police shot at armed individuals has been confirmed dead by General Hospital

In Martissant, two men were shot and killed during shootings that involved
armed individuals dressed in green olive uniforms. These individuals are not
however associated with the former military but rather to the armed group that
are based in the neighborhood of Grand Ravines. It still need to be determined
whether police officers were involved in the shootings. One of the men died on
the spot and the other at the General Hospital where he was taken for

The Director of the General Hospital has confirmed that bodies were brought
during the night from the National Penitentiary but has refused to tell how
many were brought in.

The General Hospital has confirmed that at least 12 gunshots victims were
brought to the hospital on December 1: three in the morning (students from Lycée
Pétion) and five in the evening but none of the latter came from the National
Penitentiary. Two of the wounded from the latter group are children, one 11
years old and another 12 years old.

December 2

One man was killed this morning by civilians in the vicinity of Delmas 4, in
Carrefour Péan. It is believed the man was killed because he was a former

Special Situation
Cité Soleil

At least 20 persons are believed to have died and several others wounded
after gang members from Bélekou attacked those in Boston on Sunday, November 28.

Continuous fighting in Cité Soleil last week and in recent days have
allegedly left many more killed.

Further information will be sent as soon as available.

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