
ALL USA actiivsts part of CIA Cult? Ask THem

Anonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 2, 2004 - 14:41

D. Serano

We maintain that if any of these groups are honest, then they will quickly admit that they have no meaningful goals and that their strategies of education or mobilization cannot overcome the strong right wing drift of US political culture.

There is something very fishy (cultish) about all US activist groups – they will not discuss their goals, strategies or time frames. They waste billions of dollars on education that they have no reason to believe could ever achieve anything positive – and every reason to believe will cause damage to the causes that they claim to support.

It is limiting to think about the USA or national politics. It is better to not believe that the USA exists anymore. The USA is an empire of corporate, trade and, military alliances. This is what we fight and what should be addressed. We are engaged in a world war – what Chavez and many anti-globalization / Zapatista activists call the Fourth World War – 4WW. Six hundred million capitalists against the rest of the world's 6000 million – 6 billion.
– United-Students

Relevance & Economic Terrorism:
Fiascos of Free Trade and Activism
By United-Students (Arizona Affiliate)

What in the world are activists trying to do?

Why do they fight trade agreements that they cannot stop, that are already done deals, and that distract activists from what they should be doing??? Like trying to explain their goals, strategies and tactics... oh and some kind of time frame.

When I talk to people and explain what is going on, they express the feeling that either these USA activists work for the CIA/FBI or else they just like to feel good, pretend to be cool or feel compelled to do something – even if it is negative!

Read the workshop outline produced by Ecosolidarity Andes ( ,
if you want to know what is going on in South America and why fighting trade is so meaningless –

What’s the goal ?

The following presentation was our contribution to the workshop by Ecosolidarity Andes. (A Synopsis of the workshop is found at the end)

“For this we joined Mercosur, in order to liberate us of the North,

There are problems with activism - debate
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