
BOC Stops supplying gas to kill animals

Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 1, 2004 - 16:34


Taken from indymedia Portland because there were BOC demos here in Montreal smash the puppy killing scum!!

We had been tipped off a few weeks ago this was coming and here it is. It is also in the Scotsman newspaper tomorrow. Well done to everyone involved!

Ahhhh...Another sweet victory. BOC has dropped HLS!! While what we did in the states was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to all the BOC actions in England, the fact that a campaign against them was beginning in the U.S. as well probably hastened their decision. (In case anyone wasn't aware, in addition to our home and office demos during the weekend of national demos, a BOC office in Michigan was spraypainted a few weeks ago.) Doesn't it feel GOOD? Let this be your inspiration to pick a local target (or national, like a market maker), and go after them (legally):-)

The BOC campaign

BOC are a company that was quite happy to supply Huntingdon with a whole number of gasses to kill and maim animals.SHAC decided to tackle BOC who are one of the largest companies in the UK and is also in the U.S

We have held over 100 demos at BOC all over the world. With the pressure building on BOC they sought to silence SHAC and free speech by taking out an outrageous and draconian injunction preventing any form of protest.

This angered a movement across the world and has severely backfired on them. We then widened the campaign to include BOC's biggest customer Marks and Spencer. All in all BOC thought they could get away with helping to murder the animals inside Huntingdon and they could defeat the campaign.

BOC have come to understand the lesson that many companies the world over have come to learn. You will never defeat SHAC and you will never silence us.

We never give in and we always win...
as BOC will now testify.,,2-1382874,00.html

December 01, 2004

Gas firm ends supply deal after staff threats
By Caroline Merrell

HUNTINGDON Life Sciences (HLS) — the research company which has for four years been under siege from animal rights activists — yesterday lost another key supplier.

BOC, which provided it with bottled gas, ended the supply deal following a campaign by animal rights extremists against its staff. A BOC statement said that the company "deplored" the tactics of the extremists, which included threatening, harassing and physically attacking employees. The company, which has been forced to obtain a High Court injunction against the extremists and adopt expensive security systems to protect its staff, added: "BOC's contract with Huntingdon is no longer commercially viable." It is thought that BOC's other customers had come under attack from extremists because of the gas company's dealings with Huntington Life Sciences.

Brian Cass, HLS's managing director, insisted yesterday that BOC's decision would have "absolutely no effect on us". However, earlier this year, sources close to HLS told The Times that the loss of the gas supply contract would be a particularly bitter blow for HLS, which is constantly having to find new suppliers to replace ones which have dropped out.

Mr Cass, who was once beaten by animal rights extremists, said that HLS was now "self-sufficient" in its gas supplies.

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