
10th NEFAC Conference

Anonyme, Viernes, Septiembre 24, 2004 - 14:11


10th NEFAC Conference
October 2-3 2004, Montreal, Canada

The Northeastern Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC) will hold its 10th conference on October 2nd and 3rd in Montreal. This conference will serve as an occasion to evaluate our activities of the last 5 years, to actualize our political strategy and to better our participation in struggles. Immediatly after the conference, we will be joining the 'Fête Foraine Féministe' ( counter, with others, the main annual anti-choice rally in Montreal.

We invite anarchists and anti-authoritarians who are interested by NEFAC to come observe the conference. Registration for observers can be made with

Also, if collectives, groups and organizations wish to send us greetings and messages of encouragement and solidarity, you can do so by writing to

For anarchist organization, for struggle, for social revolution!

- Montreal local union (NEFAC-Mtl)

Our website
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