
Haitians demonstrate in Montreal against the presence of Group of 184 Leader

Anonyme, Martes, Septiembre 21, 2004 - 10:29

Sweatshop owner and coup-financier Andy Apaid was in Montreal recently. His visit was denounced by local Haitians.

Agénce Haïtienne de Presse

September 17, 2004

Hundreds of Haitians demonstrate in Montreal against the presence of leaders of the Group of 184

Montreal, September 17 2004 (AHP)- Over 350 persons demonstrated Friday night in Montreal against the presence of the leader of the Group of 184 and members of his political organization.

Leaders of the group of 184 are in Montreal to present their social contract to a group of supporters. The activity took place at the Baptist Church of New Jerusalem in the Saint-Michel neighborhood
where there are many Haitians.

Up until 7 o'clock in the evening, there were many more policemen to protect the group than people who came to see them. There were about only a dozen.

Outside, demonstrators chanted slogans hostile to M. Apaid whom they called terrorist and they demanded his arrest. The demonstrators also demanded the return without condition to constitutional order, while
they accused Mr. Apaid of participating to a coup d'état against President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

Interviewed by the AHP correspondent in Montreal, the demonstrators pointed out that the leaders of the Group of 184 and their supporters have failed their mission. "They wanted to gather a few individuals in the church and then make believe that they had been acclaimed by
Haitians in Montreal, but we are vigilant", the demonstrators declared.

Others declared that the leaders of the platform of the former opposition can't even gather a hundred demonstrators in Port-au-Prince today, since teachers, students, human rights organizations and demobilized military forces now understand their game well.

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