Venezuela: What is the trouble with Capitalism?franzjutta, Jueves, Septiembre 16, 2004 - 21:01 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
After the glorious victory of the Battle of Santa Ines, with anti-imperialist efforts, now Venezuela is depening the revolution. Profound theory and praxis concern radical measures, doing things that we have never done before, thinking about social processes that never have dawned on our intellectual horizon. Profound changes, deep processes concern the New, the Original, the Authentic. What follows intends to germinate revolutionary food for thought, for emancipatory action. What is the trouble with capitalism, with capital, money, profits and power? Of course, across the ages hundreds of thousands of authors seriously have tried to explain this planetary blessing or scourge. Even the Christian Holy Bible points out that "Money is the root of all Evil." Also many erudite scholars have warned that currently capitalism is developing from "bad to worse." Some directly blame Bush, others prefer to attack the "Fourth Empire." Marxists explain the economic exploitative essence of higher forms of capitalism, "neocolonialism," "neo-capitalism," "neo-liberalism," "late capitalism" and "corporate capitalism." But, on this planet, what is really going on? Of course, a single individual, a brilliant scholar alone could never fathom the manifold totality of this intricate, complex, intra-galactic process. However, like Hegel did it once, the ever-flowing phenomenology of the historic essence of planetary existence we surely can approximate. Hence, in honor of the Bolivarian Revolution, here is our scientific and philosophic trialogical approximation. (Also, see: HARRY SHUTT,The Trouble with Capitalism: An Enquiry into the Causes of Global Economic Failure. London, New York: Zed Books/St. Martin's Press, 1998. 230 pp.) To try to resolve the social problems of Ancient Greece, where the primitive accumulation of capital was launched, in Miletus, the birthplace of philosophy and capitalism, already Thales was searching for a singular exchange value, that expresses the arche or hyle of everything, that, into what you could transform everything, and that, which produces everything. Obviously, the center of commerce, the Mediterranean sea, presented the philosophic aristocratic solution: ariston men hydor -- the best is water. This dramatic discovery, forming the social superstructure of Europe for millennia to come, was expressed philosophically by the geocentric apeiron, air, logos, nous, fire, deus, etc. Parmenides of Elea expressed this Ptolemaic world outlook most efficiently, which governed Europe till the 16th century, when bourgeois, capitalist Science launched the heliocentric cosmovision. This departure from a single postulate, that reflects a closed system, a single world order, he called the hen kai pan, the unomnia, the "One and All." Heracleitus of Ephesus explained the internal motion, movement, the evolution of this One, as panta rhei, as "everything flows." Formal Logics assured that the unomnia never changed, that it was in repose, and Dialectics guaranteed its auto-dynamism, its internal changes and development. Everything else, any other postulate, was blocked with the Third Law of Formal Logics, with "Nothing," and with the Christian and Philosophic God, intellectus or ratio. Bourgeois dialectics, a result of the heliocentric world outlook, refined by Kant and Hegel, launched the social dynamics of the Superstructure, of Society, of the World Spirit, of the World Order, of Reason, of Capital. Eventually, generated by the "Industrial Revolution", production, technology, overseas markets, the unequal exchange on the world market, produced the corresponding economic, exploitative global imperialist basis. This accelerated the bourgeois, democratic, capitalist Revolution, setting loose all the "evil" forces of the underworld, that nobody and nothing can control anymore today. No exodus, no transvolution, no emancipation, no other independent postulates, no other worlds, no other orders or spheres, were permitted. The whole human species was reduced to only "human beings," ignoring their existence, their transcendence, their own "Holy Trinity." Ab ovo, some were honorable citizens of the polis, others were third-grade "speaking tools," some were masters, others slaves, some civilized, others savages, some Christians, others pagans. There is nothing normative or apocalyptic about this state of affairs, this planetary reality is simply the logical result of a unilateral, perverse non-relation between Nature and Society -- euphemistically called "History" -- of the process of production, of Labor, of evolutionary, intra-systemic Revolution, of its current degree of industrial and technological development, that is, of Capital, of Capitalism, the internal negation of which is "Non-A," Socialism. The global, trans-historic contradiction, the world order, "Capitalism-Socialism" is the Revolution, is the Globalization of the French, bourgeois, democratic revolution. It follows that the real logical question is: What is the Trouble with Capitalism and Socialism? Studying very carefully the occult and visible realities of the current world system, transcending the barriers of equal, unequal and combined, intra-systemic developments, also surpassing our own different levels, degrees and mensions of self-consciousmess, of social consciousness, of class consciousness, of historic consciousness, we will notice that radical, fundamental transformations are taking place. The "truths" of the geocentric and heliocentric world outlooks, including their practices and theories, are vanishing into galactic oblivion. Something new, really "trifferent" appears in the Milky Way, neither capitalism nor socialism, neither heaven nor hell -- this is, what dawns on the human horizon. Production is in death throes, Labor is in labor pain, Capitalism is in agony. To verify all these, just read between the lines of our daily news, just take note of the "Life Sciences", of genetic engineering, of nanotechnology, of the genoma, of "space exploration", of Pentagon "Aliens", of the American "Flying Saucers", soaring over The Andes, over Iran, of ELF-waves, of scalar waves, of HAARP, of high-tech military operations, like blowing up "Twin Towers", of Tesla "free energy", of Reich's "Orgon," etc., etc. Thus, Venezuela and Latin America, in the beginning was Production, now Creation dawns. All these have to be considered in our daily Praxis and Theory, in our revolutionary projects, in our emancipatory endeavors. With obsolete Science and Philosophy we cannot grasp these trans-revolutionary global events. Authentic Marxism explains much of current realities, but, like in any other Science and Philosophy, it has to renew, to renovate, its fundamental postulate, its concepts, its laws, its method, its logic, its perspectives, to be the vanguard of world emancipation.
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