
Residential Schools Not Accidents

Anonyme, Martes, Septiembre 14, 2004 - 18:03

David Arthur Johnston

Under order from the British pope many pedophiles got jobs as teachers and priests so they could demoralize the native population. When you get someone to hate you, you 'control' them. The promotion and fostering of pride has been contrived and malicious. When people are proud they are distracted from what they really really are, which is Creator.

I would remind that Raven is an arm of Creator, not a separate thing (the devil is the part of God that hates the fact that there is nothing other than God).

If you want to remember true fearlessness (because the thing needed doing is not blockades and demonstrations, but full revolution... this isn't really a secret) understand that whenever you don't know what to do that you can always be patient, unto death. There is maturity, and it cannot be gained by sacrificing our innocence- the prideful ignore the fact that there is no excuse for resentment (because all things can only be their experience). However deep, there is no hole that patience cannot see us out of -- that is the glory of God -- knowing whatever will be WILL be, we are made fearless; and the fearlessness is what preceeds the reality of freedom.



David Arthur Johnston

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