
Shame On Us: The Left and Haiti

Anonyme, Miércoles, Agosto 4, 2004 - 17:24

Yves Engler

It’s time the Canadian left supported the thousands of Haitians risking their lives for the restoration of democracy. It’s the least we can do after all our troops and media have done.

Shame On Us

By Yves Engler

Five months ago the Liberal government sent troops to a foreign country without the legally elected host government’s permission. Since February 29th Haiti has been occupied by foreign troops and a pro-U.S. government has been installed. The Canadian media, and the rest of us, have been nearly silent. At the end of February Haiti was front-page news. The Globe and Mail’s Paul Knox was there and Canwest’s eleven daily papers ran stories from the Montreal Gazette’s once progressive Sue Montgomery. Both reported on Aristide’s authoritarianism, drug connections and “thuggish

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