CKUT Radio: Guantanamo Bay - The Militarization of LawAnonyme, Lunes, Julio 19, 2004 - 19:38
Stefan Christoff
The June 28 2004, ruling outlined that the United States cannot order the indefinite detention of Guantanamo detainees without due process and that the detainees have the right to challenge the legality of their detention in court, according to the US Constitution and International law. The Center for Constitutional Rights, mounted the legal challenge, which brought the plight of those detained at Guantanamo to the Supreme Court of the United States. For those currently detained without trial at Guantanamo, the ruling is an important legal victory. The ruling is also a victory for the many international campaigns against the conditions at Guantanamo and against the "War on Terror", which the continued detentions at Guantanamo are a part. To listen / download the interview with Shane Kadidal visit: To get more information about the Centre for Consitional Rights visit: |
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