
15th bulletin of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights

Anonyme, Miércoles, Julio 7, 2004 - 04:52

Basque Observatory of Human Rights

The new bulletin by the Basque Observatory for Human Rights is available on our webpage,

These are the matters in this issue:

-Amnesty International: after the recent publication of the yearly report, which decries the lack of moves towards the eradication of torture, Irene Khan, AI president, visited the Basque Country and Madrid.

- Torture: Statements by the new president of the CAT (Committee Against Torture) after his appointment, demanding measures against torture.

Rights and freedoms:
-Josu Lariz: an Argentine court refused extradition sought by Spanish authorities.
-Euro-order: a Pau court rejects the extradition suit filed by Spanish authorities against three Basque youths from Lapurdi.

-Statements by the new Spanish head of prisons, Mercedes Gallizo, where she declared there would be no changes in penitentiary policy, referring to the policy of dispersal applied to Basque prisoners.

-Leo Esteban, the latest victim of dispersal. Years ago he had an accident on the way to visit his brother in jail, Leo Esteban died due to the serious consequences of the injuries he sustained in the accident.

-once again, we have to list the road accidents suffered by Basque prisoners’ relatives and friends; the prisoners are dispersed in jails hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from the Basque Country.

We hope you find the new bulletin interesting, please feel free to send us any doubts or comments you may have.

Basque Observatory of Human Rights - Behatokia is an initiative launched by several Basque organizations in defense of the Human Rights.

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