
A Spectre is haunting the Fourth Reich -- the Spectre of Chávez!

franzjutta, Jueves, Junio 24, 2004 - 16:30

Franz J. T. Lee

Currently, all the oligarchic powers in Venezuela and abroad have entered into a fascist, neo-liberal alliance to exorcise this spectre: Bush and Kerry, OAS and Carter Center, Blair and Berlusconi, Ortega and CAP, "Friends of Venezuela" and Enemies of "Castro-Communism". Where is the "party" in the "opposition" that did not decry Chávez as a "dictator", as a "tyrant"? Where is the anti-governmental "stormtroopers of the apocalypse", the national and international mass media, that did not try to assassinate his character?

After the brutal massacre of dozens of Bolivarians, especially between April 11 and 13, 2002, after various serious attempts of political and economic coups, that normally no oppressive government ever would have survived, after the oil sabotage, the fraudulent referendum elections, now Chávez is No. 1 on the hit list of the mercenary "Death Squads", of the "paramilitares", is targeted for "regime change", for "transition to democracy". With the most democratic constitution that the world ever has seen, with a genuine "social contract" in their hands, for the majority of Venezuelans, for 85% of 24 million people, who have been languishing in critical misery and poverty over the last half-a-century, two things remain very clearly: ¡¡No puede ser, Uh, Ah, Chávez no se va!! This will not happen, Chávez goes nowhere! Although faced with a "referendum", their President must remain in power, if necessary, till 2021, in fact, forever.

Never mind the Damocles Sword of global fascist "shock and awe", of a possible foreign intervensionist "awestruck" over Caracas, the Bolivarian Republic is fulfilling its historic, social order, is keeping the youthful daydreams of Simón Bolívar alive, demonstrating praxically to the world a viable, possible alternative to the ALCA, to neo-liberal savagery in Venezuela, in Latin America, and elsewhere.

Definitely, the belligerent, corporate oil mongrels and torturers of Washington, London, South Korea and Italy, in their global fascist megalomania, first would have to eradicate every single worker, peasant, buhonero, child or Bolivarian, in barbaric invasion, would have to raze the whole of Venezuela to the ground, in their forward march of trying to conquer Latin America, to establish a Global Fourth Empire.

They would have to take up arms against "miracles", against an armed revolution, against a people in arms, in fact, have to eliminate all the people's armed forces, would have to commit heinous war crimes against a democracy in arms, in the arms and hearts of millions across Latin America, across the whole globe, even in Europe and the USA themselves. They would have to wipe out the eternal radiating memory of the Liberator, of the fiery Bolivarian revolutionary spirit from the very face of the Milky Way. Vietnam, Cuba, Afghanistan and Iraq are splendid paradigms that verify praxico-theoretically that superior mortal weapons are not necessarily a conditio sine qua non for victory.

Only as such, the contemporary Venezuelan and Latin American revolutionaries can understand the transhistoric warning of Simón Bolívar: that with the support of the mass media, seemingly the USA are destined by the will of providence to plaque America with misery in the name of freedom.

Here is the original statement:
"¿No cree Vd. que la Inglaterra sentiría celos por la elección que se
hiciera en un Borbón? ¿Cuánto no se opondrían todos los nuevos
estados americanos, y los Estados Unidos que parecen destinados
por la Providencia para plagar la América de miserias a nombre de
la Libertad? Me parece que ya veo una conjuración general contra
esta pobre Colombia, ya demasiado envidiada de cuantas
repúblicas tiene la América. Todas las prensas se pondrían en
movimiento llamando a una nueva cruzada contra los cómplices de
traición a la libertad, de adictos a los Borbones y de violadores del
sistema americano. Por el Sur encenderían los peruanos la llama de
la discordia; por el Istmo los de Guatemala y Méjico, y por las
Antillas los americanos y los liberales de todas partes. No se
quedaría Santo Domingo en inacción y llamaría a sus hermanos
para hacer causa común contra un príncipe de Francia. Todos se
convertirían en enemigos sin que la Europa hiciera nada por
sostenernos, porque no merece el Nuevo Mundo los gastos de una
Santa Alianza... "
(Simón Bolívar, Obras Completas, Madrid, Maveco
de Ediciones S.A., 1992, volumen V, página 279).

When absolutist feudalism was toppled by the French Revolution, when the Industrial Revolution was driving the serfs and peasants off the lands because their agricultural labour was obsolete, Vagrant Laws -- especially under Henry VIII already -- just massacred the unwanted en masse. Of course, then, the modern working class, the proletariat, the future physical labourers were also born, came of age. Because of the equal, unequal and combined development of history, of the international division of labour, of the world market, the current Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela has similar demands as the democratic, bourgeois, capitalist revolution of yestermillennium: national capitalism, sovereignty, national dignity, industrialization, land reform, etc. However, at the same time, judged by its projects, by the severe attacks, it goes far beyond these objectives, that is why it threatens the American World Empire.

Now, in the Third Millennium, we are experiencing another Global Technological and Nanotechnological Transvolution, a Revolution, that is ushering in a post-productive mode of existence, mainly utilizing "intellectual labour forces", thus condemning billions of physical labour forces to extinction; globally, over the last decades, machines, computers, the intelligentzia, drove hundreds of thousands of physical labourers into dire poverty, into obsolescence. On a world scale is happening precisely what Bolívar feared for Latin America and the Caribbean.

In spite of the current problems of the Bush administration, after Iraq, more massive global Euro-American butcheries will be on the global order of the day; in the 20th century, it was called fascism or nazism. Today it is called "Anti-Terrorism", "Civilization", the New World Order or Globalization. And, the international working class, the obsolete sector, is now the "terrorist class". Long live the "terrorist class"! You have nothing to lose, except your "terror"! It's Civilization and Barbarism!

Until now, in all modes of production, War supposedly had cured all Labour Problems -- will it succeed this time? Will the pipe-dreams of the giga-corporations in the oil-rich Persian and Caspian regions, to capture PDVSA, sweep away the physical labour classes by the billions? Can less than 5% of the current working class, the intellectual labourers, still save humanity? Can the Venezuelan práxico-theoretical example blaze the transhistoric trail towards human beauty, truth and love? Bolivar was convinced of our global victory; Chávez confirms his eviternal revolutionary aspirations, and presently, the Bolivarian peoples are storming the very heavens.

On August 15, 2004, we will have no alternative, we just have to be victorious! Bolivarians of the World, Unite! You have too much to lose!

News and Analysis from Venezuela.

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