
In Venezuela: Siamese Twins of Mind and Thought Control

franzjutta, Viernes, Junio 18, 2004 - 09:53

Franz J. T. Lee

Patriarchal Religion and Newspeak Media

Personally, we should not have any problem with the gods of religion; de facto, they do not really bother us, already for millennia they have left us in peace. We cherish autochtonous, real, true, authentically human and sacred sentiments, feelings and emotions, what we detest is the exportation of feudalist, absolutist, authoritarian beliefs by colonial conquest, that replaced the above with alienating spectres that mainly serve pacifist, oppressive, repressive and depressive interests and ends.

Very easily we can study the transhistoric evolution of the father of most Western European religions, that is, Roman Catholicism, from Plato to Plotinus, to the Neo-Platonists, to St. Augustine, to Marc Aurel, to Seneca, to Epitectus, across St. Thomas Aquinas and the Great Fathers of the Church, to the Dominican Order, to the Inquisition, to the burning stake, to the murder of philosophers like Giordano Bruno. We can also investigate how Mother Mary wiped out the goddess Diana and her temples, and how the Conquista religion replaced authentic goddesses and gods, destroyed "pagan" worship and beliefs of the colonized peoples.

Patriarchal Religion and Newspeak Media

Personally, we should not have any problem with the gods of religion; de facto, they do not really bother us, already for millennia they have left us in peace. We cherish autochtonous, real, true, authentically human and sacred sentiments, feelings and emotions, what we detest is the exportation of feudalist, absolutist, authoritarian beliefs by colonial conquest, that replaced the above with alienating spectres that mainly serve pacifist, oppressive, repressive and depressive interests and ends.

Very easily we can study the transhistoric evolution of the father of most Western European religions, that is, Roman Catholicism, from Plato to Plotinus, to the Neo-Platonists, to St. Augustine, to Marc Aurel, to Seneca, to Epitectus, across St. Thomas Aquinas and the Great Fathers of the Church, to the Dominican Order, to the Inquisition, to the burning stake, to the murder of philosophers like Giordano Bruno. We can also investigate how Mother Mary wiped out the goddess Diana and her temples, and how the Conquista religion replaced authentic goddesses and gods, destroyed "pagan" worship and beliefs of the colonized peoples.

Furthermore, it is quite obvious why the rising bourgeoisie separated the State from the Church, the Politeia from Absolutism by the Grace of God, to prepare the transhistoric trail towards the almighty US $ -- to "In God We Trust", that is, to Reason and Capital. What was forced upon Latin America, upon Venezuela, where the overwhelming part of the population is Roman Catholic, was not even "the real thing", just censured versions of the "Holy Scriptures", fostering a masochistic pacifism, inferiority complexes, fear, awe, subjugation and alienation of the downtrodden. The question that I pose to the religious 85 or more percent of humanity is the one that asks, in what kind of a world we live which needs a religious aureole so huge that the exploited, dominated, discriminated, decimated, alienated creatures can bear at all the current Orwellian inferno of global capitalism, placing their joy and hopes in a "hereafter", painted and taught to them by their very butchers and torturers. Somewhere, something has to be questioned about exported colonial religion, and the reparation that would have to be paid for this mental holocaust certainly cannot be expressed in figures.

With regard to the Bolivarian Revolution, it could be doing far better without the hypothesis of the Roman Catholic God and religion, because it then could much better and more effectively be fighting off the electromagnetic weapons as employed in the form of infowar and disinformation campaigns, replacing religious beliefs and revelations, ideological lies and mental media exorcism with scientific knowledge, action, thought, analysis and excellence.

Only with a transhistoric consciousness can the immense power of mind and thought control in all its forms - be it religious ideology, be it media disinformation campaigns - be broken and transcended towards true emancipation, where the human being is neither exploitable, nor oppressable, nor discriminatable nor alienatable. In this sense, a transhistorically conscious human being won´t fall victim to the "four stormtroopers of the apocalypse" (the private media in Venezuela), to CNN, to Bush's "axis of evil" or Chirac's "absolute evil", not even to "Florentino and the Devil".

Concerning the "presence of the future" in our here and now, a transhistorically conscious human being will be fully aware of the mortal potentiality of a new generation of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of the technologically most advanced countries. Earthquakes, and "biblical floods" like the one that happened in Vargas, Venezuela, only a few years ago, the very day the Venezuelan population went to vote for the approval of the new constitution, are no longer only at the disposal of gods or natural causes but of the very human technology, as embodied in electromagnetic weapon projects like HAARP. Scientific knowledge will be a better advisor than religious prayer and mass media distraction for the Venezuelan sovereign, the millions of people who support the Bolivarian Revolution. The emancipatory combat has to take place on multiple fronts simultaneously.

Daily News and Political Analysis of Venezuela and the World.

911 & tomorrow
Dom, 2004-06-20 18:56

Hi, Franz: Note my dialogue with an online contact on 911 and what's next: Carl

Contact's message #1:

Initially when this attack (911) took place I had other views with regards to the "brilliance" of the execution of the attack. As time goes bye I now realized that the treat to use hijacked planes was already known for years. In a CBC documentary on the Taliban aired some months before 911 it was stated clearly by an Afgan 'cab driver' how easy it is to blow up targets in the U.S. He mentioned ramming planes into the Whitehouse. Yet, no action was taken in terms of security precaution. Why?

Did the intelligence fraternity facilitated or turn a blind eye to this threat which they knew was coming years ago. Finally, I find it rather amazing when Bush was informed of the attack he remained at the school he was visiting at the time for over five minutes without doing anything. Why?

My reply #2:

American was beheaded in Saudi Arabia today. Next there'll be an attempted Al Qaeda coup in Saudi Arabia. Bush will lead military action against coup, and Albanian & Turkish Muslim troops will enter Mecca.

Contact's message #3:

The situation is getting worst everyday and American and Saudi oil interests are now threatened. The Iraq war has opened a can worms. Perhaps, Bush is not yet aware that military might and strength is not enough to control or run another country.

It was interesting to note the views of the so called "neo-conservatives" who previously thought that by invading Iraq the supply of oil will flow and the U.S will gain strategectially by being able to control Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries including Iran. Now, we know that first time in the history of American/Arab relations their elite interests are in jeopardy and the situation has reached a danger point of great concern. Finally, I think four more years of Bush would be the "best gift to the world."

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Lun, 2004-06-21 19:15


As you know from our debates on our homepages, I do not discard another version of this "Twin Towers" tragedy.

Concerning the truth of what really happened, there are various problems involved.

No. 1. The "Seeing is Believing" Complex

Since centuries the dominant classes possessed and controlled the major mass media, that disseminated their ideas, "information", beliefs, interests and versions of interpretations. For example, in the Dark Ages, they knew that the earth is round, that it revolves around its axis, and around the sun. Thales of Miletus could not have predicted the total eclipse of the sun, without this kind of scientific knowledge. And yet, because of social power, mind and thought control, the geocentric world outlook was conserved for millennia until the days of Galileo. Also, for similar reasons, among them, racism and European hegemony, the Big Lie that Columbus had discovered the "New World" till today spook in the minds of billions, when in reality the Africans had "discovered" America centuries before. Similarly, tragic events like the "Reichtagsbrand", "Pearl Harbour" and now the "Twin Towers", had and have to wait for decades, before the respective documents could partially be declassified, so that the world could get an inkling of the truth, that then would have no historic relevance anymore, and that the criminals cannot be punished anymore, because then they are already senile or dead.

No. 2. The Polynesian Syndrome.
We do not see with our eyes, rather with our brains. A manipulated, indoctrinated mind just sees that what across a manipulated dissocialization process has been programmed for it to observe, and the current infowar machine produces excellent ideological results. According to his "diary", when Captain James Cook approximated an island in the South Sea, with his huge ship, the "natives" noticed nothing and were playing joyfully on the beach, they saw nothing strange happening. Only when the small boats disembarked, looking like their own canoes, suddenly pandemonium broke out.

Furthermore, it would have been impossible to tell the "natives" about other colonies in Africa or America, about the cities of London or Amsterdam. They would have declared him to be totally insane. Similarly, many readers would declare you, Carl, fit for the loony bin, if you should inform them about US colonies on the Moon or Mars today. Hence, there is a mental block, an equal, unequal and combined development of social and historic consciousness, where one just cannot even consider other options, for example: Is it not well-nigh possible for "true Americans" even to consider the possibility that the radical right of the USA, that the proper Bush administration, had blown the "Twin Towers" to blazes. Why can such an option not be considered at all? Cognitive dissonance? Psychotic disassociation? Mind and Thought Control? In this case, the Bin Laden and Al Qaeda myth, the global "terrorist danger", like the "arms of mass destruction" in Iraq, disintegrates into thin air.

No. 3 The "Taking the World for a Ride" Hoax

Imagine carrying out a "war operation" before breakfast, just with cutters, plastic knives and forks -- on what a wild-goose chase the United States government has taken the whole world? And all governments still believe this hoax!

A very careful study of the official data given concerning the blowing up of the "Twin Towers", even for a layman, indicates that this "war act". could never have been perpetrated by outsiders alone. Arabs who had the military capacity of blowing up the Twin Towers in that technological fashion would never have allowed Bush to blow Afghanistan and Iraq to piexes! Those aeroplanes were real missiles, the towers imploded, by the use of internal bombs; days before the tragedy, the security systems were switched off, supposedly for reasons of urgent maintenance, and anybody could have planted anything within the towers, there is no proof whatsoever that the "Arabs" ever were on the flight lists, and even less so, that they ever were in those planes. Much more official contradictory data indicate how deep the Bush administration and its security agents were involved in this "pretext" to launch global "new wars" of conquest.

Finally, it is not so much that the above is true, rather it is extremely dangerous, very symptomatic, that very few people consider the most obvious scientific facts and draw the logical necessary conclusions. This indicates how far Newspeak, Globospeak, already has achieved its mortal, fatal and lethal intellectual effects, how far advanced the global mental holocaust is already advanced.


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911 revisited
Dom, 2004-06-20 18:58
9/11 Plot Reportedly Hatched in 1996

21 minutes agoAdd Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

By CONNIE CASS, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Five years before the worst terror attack in American
history, a U.S.-educated Kuwaiti pitched an outlandish idea to Osama
bin Laden (news - web sites). Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, now a U.S.
captive, concedes his apocalyptic vision of 10 planes steered into
nuclear power plants, skyscrapers and other American targets
received only a lukewarm response from the al-Qaida kingpin.

The meeting in Afghanistan (news - web sites) in mid-1996, however,
apparently was the genesis of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000
people on Sept. 11, 2001. Three reports issued this week by the
Sept. 11 commission provide the fullest picture yet of how
Mohammed's idea evolved from wild scheme to unfathomable reality -
and the government's chaotic response.
Mohammed had targeted U.S. airliners before. He was indicted in the
United States earlier in 1996 for plotting to bomb 12 flights over
the Pacific Ocean, but he wasn't captured. Mohammed, born in Kuwait
and a 1986 graduate from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical
State University, also wanted to crash a plane into CIA (news - web
sites) headquarters.
His new plan needed bin Laden's money and his muscle.
Between May 1996, when bin Laden moved to Afghanistan from Sudan,
and the Sept. 11 attacks, more than 20,000 men trained at his terror
camps. They learned to be soldiers and, the Sept. 11 commission
said, "to think creatively about ways to commit mass murder."
They floated ideas: take over a Russian launch site and fire a
nuclear missile at the United States, pump poison gas into a
building's air conditioning, hijack a plane to attack a city.
Advanced terrorism training was given to only the most promising
recruits, among them the Sept. 11 hijackers. Early in 1999, bin
Laden gave the go-ahead for a scaled-down version of Mohammed's
proposal three years earlier.
According to Mohammed, the two drew up a list of potential targets:
_the Capitol, perceived source of U.S. policy in support of Israel;
_the White House and Pentagon (news - web sites), both advocated by
bin Laden as potent American symbols;
_the World Trade Center, favored by Mohammed, whose nephew Yousef
was in prison for the 1993 bombing of the towers that represented
America's financial might.
Bin Laden selected potential suicide hijackers. The first two
arrived in Los Angeles on Jan. 15, 2000. During the next 18 months,
17 more followed, some entering the country on fraudulent visas.
Four, including ringleader Mohammed Atta, attended U.S. flight
FBI (news - web sites) agents in Arizona and Minnesota were
suspicious of the flight students, but their alarms went unheeded by
The summer of 2001 was a time of intensive preparation by the
hijackers. They rode cross-country flights for surveillance, brought
boxcutters onto planes as tests, practiced flying rented planes and
honed their strength at gyms.
Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, senior al-Qaida leaders were under
pressure from the Taliban not to attack inside America's borders.
Some feared U.S. military retaliation. Despite the pressure, bin
Laden prodded Atta to get on with it.
In mid-August, Atta settled on the date of Sept. 11, choosing a week
when Congress would be back from summer break. Bin Laden wanted to
strike the White House; Atta preferred the Capitol as an easier
target. The commission said it has been unable to determine
definitely which was the intended target on Sept. 11.
The hijackers bought their flight tickets in late August and early
September. Then, ever loyal, they took care of a final detail -
sending back to al-Qaida $36,000 they didn't need.

At the airports early on Sept. 11, nine of the hijackers were pulled
aside for extra security screenings, but all were allowed to
proceed, some with hidden knives and boxcutters.
At 8 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 took off from Boston, with
five hijackers aboard. Within 45 minutes, the other 14 hijackers
were airborne: on flights out of Boston at 8:14, from Dulles airport
near Washington at 8:20, from Newark, N.J., at 8:42.
On the ground, the first sign of trouble came when air traffic
control lost contact with Flight 11 about 8:13 a.m. Minutes later,
air traffic controllers heard an ominous transmission from the
"We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be OK. We are
returning to the airport."
The Boston controller wasn't sure what he had just heard. Then came
a second transmission, believed to have been the voice of Atta, the
plane's pilot, addressing the passengers: "Nobody move. Everything
will be OK. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself
and the airplane."
It was a hijacking.
Air controllers first tried to call a military alert site in
Atlantic City, N.J., unaware it had been closed. It was the start of
a cascade of communications errors that morning that undermined any
chance of stopping the attacks.
At 8:37 a.m., controllers reached the Northeast sector of NORAD, the
North American Aerospace Defense Command, and urged them to scramble
fighter jets because a hijacked plane was headed for New York.
"Is this real-world or exercise?" responded an incredulous military
"No, this is not an exercise, not a test," the FAA (news - web
sites) said.
Nine minutes later, Flight 11 flew into the north tower of the World
Trade Center.
Those nine minutes were the most notice the military would receive
of any of the four hijackings.
Confusion turned to chaos during the next hour, as the Federal
Aviation Administration struggled with "an unprecedented challenge
they had never encountered and had never trained to meet," the
commission wrote.
Just before 9 a.m., President Bush (news - web sites) stood outside
a Sarasota, Fla., elementary school classroom, preparing to read to
second-graders. Aides told him a small plane had struck the World
Trade Center. He assumed it was a tragic accident, though the FAA
and air defense officials already knew otherwise.
Air traffic controllers in New York were looking frantically for
another plane that had disappeared from their screens. The hijackers
had turned off its transponder, a tracking device.
"It's escalating big, big time," a New York manager warned the FAA
command center in Herndon, Va. Two minutes later, United Airlines
Flight 175 from Boston crashed into the south tower of the World
Trade Center.
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered in the president's
ear: "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack."

Bush stayed in the classroom another five minutes or so, listening
to children read. He later said he was trying to project calm.
Bush wanted to return to the White House, but his aides and the
Secret Service advised it was too dangerous. Air Force One took off
about 9:55 a.m., its destination undecided.
The Secret Service (news - web sites) just wanted to get him off the
ground quick - on a day when death came from the air, the skies
offered refuge.
Before Air Force One could lift off, the Pentagon was in flames from
the crash of American Airlines Flight 77.
That plane, which had taken off from Dulles, deviated from its
flight pattern, then disappeared from radar at 8:54 a.m. A
controller in Indianapolis, who had been tracking it, was unaware of
the first two hijackings and believed it might have crashed.
A half-hour later, air traffic personnel at Dulles airport spotted
the plane moving east at an extremely high speed. An unarmed
National Guard cargo plane, already in the air, was tasked to follow
Minutes later, at 9:38 a.m., came his report: "Looks like that
aircraft crashed into the Pentagon, sir."
Bush reacted to the news by calling Vice President Dick Cheney (news
- web sites) from the air: "Sounds like we have a minor war going on
here. I heard about the Pentagon. We're at war. ... Somebody's going
to pay."
Meanwhile, air traffic control in Cleveland heard transmissions that
sounded like screams and a struggle. Then a voice from United Flight
93: "Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on board."
The plane turned toward Washington.
As FAA higher-ups discussed whether military jets should be
scrambled, the passengers and flight attendants took things into
their own hands, improvising an assault on the hijackers.
In the White House's underground shelter, with reports of a jet
closing in, Cheney authorized the Air Force to shoot down hijacked
planes. Cheney said Bush earlier had given him the authority to do
The order, which came minutes after Flight 93 had crashed in a
Pennsylvania field, never was passed on to the fighters circling
Washington and New York.
The same National Guard pilot who witnessed the Pentagon crash, then
resumed his flight to Minnesota, was the first to report "black
smoke" on the ground in Pennsylvania.
Two hours after it began, an attack five years in the making was
over. The last plane had been downed short of its target, not
because of government action, but at the hands of its passengers.
"We are sure that the nation owes a debt to the passengers of United
93," the commission wrote. "Their actions saved the lives of
countless others, and may have saved either the U.S. Capitol or the
White House from destruction."


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Dom, 2004-06-20 19:06

From an online contact on 911. Carl
Did you hear some of the audio? Air traffic control telling the air force they need help and the air force asks if this is a test. Both parties were so calm in speaking. That question would indicate they did run tests for such an event, but the request was so low key I can understand why the question was asked.
The other tapes heard were of the hijackers who indicated they were going to land the planes at an airport if they got what they wanted. You know this metro area as well as I do, if the planes had been shot down would there have been fewer lives lost and the question as to the pilots intent would be left hanging and the US responsible for killing their own.
I don't trust the CIA and notice Tenets hasty retreat so close to the report coming out. I haven't had a chance to read the 911 latest statement, but here is the link if you don't have it already.
A terrible event, but common place in Saudi. Agreed AQ is trying to overthrow the Saudis, but regardless of US actions they were going to do that anyway. They have a global plan. Fight them today or fight them tomorrow. Let the French help Saudi. :)
Here are some crazy ideas. While everyone is screaming it is a war to get oil. What if the US reserves and oil supply is greater than we have been told and research on alternatives is further ahead than thought. It was never hidden that going into Iraq could bring the terrorists out of the woodwork. Could that have been part of the plan and it occurred a short time after most of the US bases were moved out of Saudi? Strange happenings.

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