
International Call for Support and Action (resist the DNC)

Anonyme, Lunes, Junio 14, 2004 - 16:10

Bl(A)ck Tea Society

We will resist the DNC with all of our might. We will make the delegates realize we do not want them in our fair city. We will refuse to recognize the State and we will continue to fight against the crook that is nominated. We will not ask for freedom, we will demand it.

**please forward near and far**

The Bl(A)ck Tea Society

In late July, the Democratic National Convention will descend upon Boston. With their corporate vanguard will come street closures, mass arrests, blockades, walls, militarized police, and a clear demonstration of force by henchmen of capitalism. Those of us here, who are ignored by the mathematics of power, are preparing to resist this invasion. For months now, we have been working feverishly to setup the logistics for this carnival of resistance. Based upon discussions during a Consulta held in early February, we are proposing a three-pronged plan of action for the convergence.

Plan of Action
The first leg will be an open-air bazaar and concert. The underlining purpose of this public event will be to demonstrate that corporations do not hold a monopoly on entertainment, and that participation is more empowering than being a spectator. We can organize and celebrate without the influences of profit.

2. The second aspect will be a diverse convergence center that will also support independent media resources, medical aid, food not bombs and many other community services.

3. The final prong is a call for massive decentralized actions in opposition to the DNC. This format will not only allow for a full spectrum of tactics and messages, but also serves as the most logical advancement in a continuing evolution of ideas and strategies for direct action.

We will resist the DNC with all of our might. We will make the delegates realize we do not want them in our fair city. We will refuse to recognize the State and we will continue to fight against the crook that is nominated. We will not ask for freedom, we will demand it. In order to extend our base of support we have added a link to donate money to the Bl(A)ck Tea Society on our website. This will allow even those who cannot make the journey to Boston this summer to support us in demonstrating our dissent. This money will allow us to organize a convergence center and autonomous zone; host a free open-air bazaar and concert; and fund the legal defense of our comrades arrested by police repression during the convention. For those who come aid in the defense of Boston, we will welcome you with open arms, as we join together in resistance. Your support is deeply needed and appreciated.

Donate Online at:

To make donations by mail, send a blank money order or well-concealed cash to:
Boston ABC
PMB 258
198 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116

Please indicate whether the money should be used for the general Bl(A)ck Tea Society fund or the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Legal Defense Fund.

More information about the ABC Legal Defense Fund can be found at:

If you do not want to receive e-mails from this address please respond to it with "NO THANKS" in the subject line.

For more information on the Bl(A)ck Tea Society visit:

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